One born every minuite

i was thinking that when i watched it :( Plus how he'd already said to her when her mum was out of the room he'd rather have more time just her and him x :( he annoyed me a first, but at the end when he was crying i was thinking "awwwww..." and then the tears started xx
Ralph was a bit of a weirdo, but at the end i really felt for him! he clearly already loved that child unconditionally and i thought it was lovely ! I was most certainly crying my eyes out with him haha.

As for that screaming woman, oh my god get a grip! I havent experienced giving birth yet but I understand it is going to be very painful but she was honestly embarrassing kicking here legs around everywhere and screaming even after she'd had the epidural and even worse after she'd given birth! she wound me up no end!
I've experienced a natural birth just with gas and ing I wanted to slap that woman! Even before her contractions she was saying I'm going to be screaming soon and my arms will be wailing around everywhere just wait. So she knew what she was gonna do! Lol
That Ralph made me laugh all the way through! What a darlin he clearly loved her so much and she just looked annoyed by him I wanted to hug him so much poor dear x
I'm just watching this now I have to say I burst out laughing when that young girl was on about them coming out smelling like baby power! :rofl:

Erm no love they really don't ;) x

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Frigging hell.... Ive asked myself is it that painful if so am teriified to give birth....that steph needs a slap from her ralph kid was adorable,,,shame his girl chose her mum over that so sad


It is painful, granted. But you get through it. I was lucky, 8 hours of labour, about 6 were painful enough that I moaned VERY loudly as a cried hard, all through the contractions stage (active labour) - but I was in shock and was very frightened of the labour. I've friends who were in active labour for days!

During the pushing stage, I didn't scream, just bit the gas and air thingummy and concentrated on pushing and grunting.

Some people scream in a primal way - for example, see tennis or badminton players, same thing - it can give you that extra strength, to vocalise.

I might have to check out an episode on catch up now, to see what it's like.

But don't let something like this worry you. I've been there, yes I could hear someone else at one point but it didn't worry me, I knew some people make more noise than others.

This one sounds crazy though!

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