On the verge of giving up ...


Well-Known Member
Aug 30, 2010
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... Breastfeeding :( I have been really proud of myself and India for breastfeeding so far, but it seems to be getting harder and harder and I think I'm going to give up. I feel really awful about it like im letting her down n am a rubbish mum.

Things started so well, she took to it straight away and haven't had any pain etc ... but she seems to be feeding almost constantly, she is definitely a little n often girl and I feel like it's all I ever do. She screams until I offer her my breast, them she feeds for 5/10 mins max and then falls asleep, but wakes as soon as I put her down and won't stop until I feed her again. I am pretty much tied to the couch as am either feeding or she's sleeping on me. I can't get anything done around the house and it's generally starting to get me down. I really feel like u need some routine, but have non! I'm also shattered as the constant feeding means I never get a break or a decent sleep. When I suspect she is using me as a dummy I take her off, but ten mins later she's back to screaming for more!!

Any advice would be gratefully received, I feel like a rubbish mum for thinking about stopping!
Ah Hun, I didn't bf but didn't want to read and run, can't really offer any advice but you're not a bad mum. At the end of the day you need to be happy to make your child happy and if you can't get a break that won't work. If you do decide to stop it won't make you bad it'll just mean you're doing what's beat for you which in turn is best for bubba xx
Thanks Lily! I know I'm being silly deep down - think I've been a bit brainwashed by midwives and all the 'breast is best' focus! xx
Yeah I think all that stuff puts so much pressure on mums, I look at it as if it really is "best" there wouldn't be alternatives because nothing can compare. Formula is just as good IMO and if you feel that's best for you and your child then go with that. Maybe you could try combined feeding for a bit see if tgat helps? Or when you're feeding have you tried waking her up when she falls asleep so she can get a full feed? I really don't know how bf-ing works, just trying to think of thing I did with A when he was fussy with his bottles.
She's still only young so it might just take a bit of perseverance to get her in a good routine tgat works for both of you x

Don't feel bad if you want to give up, it's natural to feel that way. I had trouble breastfeeding Oscar, he was born tongue-tied and so that was not a good start, then when that was sorted he just wanted to feed all the time, if I put him down he'd scream. I couldn't even put him down to eat. I wanted to quit, but like you felt so guilty so I perservered and now I still can't stop lol

He's so efficient now though, will sometimes feed for about 20 mins, but usually he can fill himself up in 5-10 mins on one boob.

The bad habit we have now is that generally he can't go to sleep unless it's on the boob!!
try and go for as long as you can, try other ways of soothing her, is there a partner or a friend who can help? Things tend to get better after six weeks and every week you can breastfeed for is another heap of immunity, allergy protection and good stuff for your baby :)

you have done so well to last til now and though it feels endless, it wont be :)
Have you tried a sling hon? I had a moby and it helped so much cos I could just wear Owen and he would sleep so no trying to sooth him, put him down etc. It does get easier, you're doing a fab job :) We introduced a bottle of expressed milk for the 10pm ish feed so I could go to bed early and get a stretch of sleep, that worked well for us.

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