on the verge of giving up

I know how you feel, but don't give up! I've struggled with breast feeding and have had thoughts about giving up, but I'm still going...well partially.

I was initially using a bad technique for breast feeding (shown to me by a midwife at the hospital!) and after a few days my nipples were soooo sore and bleeding I couldn't bare it. I gave in the early hours of day 3 and OH gave LO a bottle while I sobbed like a child at what a rubbish mother I was. I've got to say that our local midwives have been fantastic at supporting me. I'm now breastfeeding a little, expressing and (because LO is a total gannet) also having to use formula. I'm probably managing to produce about half of his milk, which upsets me, but it's better than nothing. I'm determined to keep it up, or increase it if possible. I've been drinking water, milk and eating oats, but I think I'll get some fenugreek after reading this!

I've also struggled a little using pumps for expressing. I've found that I get more from my Tommee Tippee manual pump than the Medela electric pump because of the fit of the breast shield.
Sains burys do sore boob gel packs , they cost about £10 for two and they are reusable. I got some and they go in freezer for colling sore boobs or into boiled hot water to warm up and then you dry them and put them in your bra they are like having a hot bath only without getting wet in middle of day! , they have a hole in middle for nipple and I wear my breast pads ontop as I start leeking! they stay warm for 15 mins, but will help you express more and feel great on sore boobs!
Thanks am still trying away at the moment and forgot my breast pump and hubby got me a suprise detox treatment which meant i couldntbf alex for 24 hours so have had to manually express and got 5 oz wout boobs beingcompletely emptied

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