On of way for Induction !!!!


Well-Known Member
Mar 7, 2011
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Hi ladies just a quick note to say we r just leaving for the hospital !!:shock:
Due to start induction today will keep u posted as much as I can !!!
Jayceemumma has very kindly agreed to b my bump buddy not sure she realises what she has let herself in for !!! So if I havent got access I'll text her and hopefully she will keep u all up to date !!

Just wanted to say thank u to everyone for all the advice and support over the last 8 months u have all been amazing and have helped keep me sane !!!!:dance:

Will update soon xxxxxxxxx
Wishing you all the best and hope it gos quickly for u hun xxxx
Goodluck sweetie, will be thinking of you and stalking this thread :) x x

Good luck, I'll be thread stalking today too!
Good luck hun. The babies are coming thick and fast this week! Will be having a good stalk today. Hope things move quick and easily and you're holding your bubs soon.
:cheer: so excited!!!!! Wishing u all the luck in the world for a quick, safe and as painless as possible induction!!

You've had to put up with my crap for ages lol it's about time I done something in return lol!! :hug:

Good luck babe will be thinking of u all day!!xxx
Good luck hunny! Really hope all goes smoothly for u xxx
Good luck and will be thinking of you :) xxxxxxxx
Thanks ladies I'm on the ctg at min then they will have a look at what's happening down below !! They have a new pessary thing that's like a tampon and stays in for 24 hrs so less internals if we have to go that route !!! Supposed to work better . Will update again soon !!! Xxx
Aww good luck!!! :) hope your LO is with you for cuddles very soon xx
Oh good luck!! Will be stalking this thread :) keep us posted!
They checked me over I'm 3-4 cm dilated still little bit far back buy have said they can feel the head and waters so r going to break them for me. Have to wait for things to calm down on labour ward so still could b quite a wait . Thanks for all the good luck messages xxx

I am here: http://maps.google.com/maps?ll=52.422709,-1.436663

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