On a 'must get pregnant this month' mission!!


Well-Known Member
Feb 10, 2010
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Right, I have decided after moping for a few days that it was getting me nowhere, so I am now on a 'must get pregnant this month' mission! It is ridiculous, 11 months into TTC and still getting nowhere. I have just ordered my OPKs + pregnancy tests, so what else can you girls recommend? Any hints or tips from how often to BD, what to do after BD (legs in air etc), vitimin supplements etc etc etc.

I'm hoping even if I have heard the tips before there will be some new ones and other girls can see things they may not have thought of.

I posted this a while ago unsure whether you saw or not...pineapple juice is good for implantation, cant do any harm right?
also try searching google for ways to help implantation. Hope this helps hope we both get our BFP xxx
Ooh pineapple juice? *looks around for shoes before heading to shop :)*
Hi flopsybunny... i have very recently found out that we are expecting and have been extremely lucky in that it happened the second month of trying. This was the first month i tried the prediction kits and heres what happened...

my normal cycle length is slightly random - 28 days one month, then 31, then 29, then 32 etc

i used the cheapie prediction kits from a company called "access diagnostics" and i think they were about £5 for 20. I used them every day from when i finished my period. My AF was only about 4 days.

The tests showed no change at all and i thought (i bet they're not going to work... ) then all of a sudden on CD15 a feint line appeared. i had heard that you should wait for it to be a strong as the other line but i didn't want to miss our chance so we BD on CD15. The line wasn't much darker the next day or the day after so i'm glad i didn't wait for it to change. Then we BD on CD17 too.

Regarding the BD: we did not BD at all until day15. Then on day 15 it was a very (very!) quick BD and i just stayed lying down normally until the next morning (no legs in the air or anything).

The second BD on day 17 I stayed lying down again, but a few hours after being asleep i woke up because there had been quite a bit of "seepage" (sorry if tmi!) and there was a wet patch on the bed. So i had to get up and go to "dry" - really soz if tmi!!!!

That was the only times we BD as we had a busy month with overtime at work and stuff. I hope that is some help to you - when i was trying i kept trying to look for people who were pregnant to find out how it had happened for them so i hope that this is some help.

Good luck and i hope the prediction kits work for you - i think they are a great idea. For us it meant there was no pressure of "having" to BD loads of times and it made the whole thing a bit more relaxed... As long as you know the ov kits are accurate (which i didn't really know if they would be or not) then it means that you BD at exactley the right few days.

I really hope they work first month for you

take care x x x x
Thanks girls. I had no idea about pineapple juice. Can't do any harm can it? Besides, it's yummy! :)
Treeze, congratulations on your news! I hope you have a happy and very healthy pregnancy. It's good to know what people who have got pregnant did the month they conceived. I have used OPKs for a couple of cycles (only cheapie ones!) and found that I ov between 18-21 days, but will try again to see what's going on.

Thanks again,


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