
Well-Known Member
May 10, 2008
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IM NEARLY IN THIRD TRI! i havnt looked at my ticker for a while and just realised that im nearly 25weeks!!!! :o
thats crazzzzzy!!
Im sorry for my absence atm, i moved yesterday into our new four bedroom house... its beautiful!! when i get it all cleaned and touched up, and when iv finished the babys nursery i will post pics. im so unbeleivably happy to finally be able to nest its been such a crazy few months iv been puling my hair out to finally get in and start the nursery :lol: i was scrubbing the skirting boards and windowsills yesterday and you would not beleive how satisfied it made me! its crazy. the house is sparkaling now we just need the furniture to come in as soon as iv put the last coat on the babies rooms :cheer: soo exiting! how is everyone doing? iv seen my cot and matching dresser yesaterday, going to buy it and pick it up today woop!! xx
So glad the move went well! We moved last year, and I cant imagine doing it pregnant! I would have been a state! :oops:

I cant WAIT to get started on our nursery, OH keeps holding me off! We have alot of moving of stuff about so I would rather get started now before I'm too big to help! :D

Generally I'm fine though, still on the hunt for a cot we like,.......we've decided that the one we initially liked is a bit too expensive :(

not long till 3rd tri eh?! I'm nearly half way :shock:
:cheer: congratulations on your new house and being 25 weeks :cheer: :cheer: :cheer:
:hug: thankyou girls aww i love this forum its fab, dont know how id do without it sometimes :D
well, we went to see the cot andddd i didnt like it. weve seen the dresser we love, now on the hunt for a matching honey coloured cot :) thats nice that you got to move last year lisa, i would have preffered to have too, but im really enjoying nesting right now! :lol: seriously its crazy im like mr motivator right now, harrassing OH to get up at 8am this morning :rotfl:
hehe :rotfl: I'm ALWAYS up really early at the weekends (7/8am,,...well its early to me!) and its drives OH nuts! I'm up and like "lets do stuff!!!"

We're on the "cot shop" this weekend, looking forward to it as I hope we will make a final decision!! :cheer:

Cant wait to see the pics when you get your nursery done! :D
:cheer: Glad everything went well :cheer:

:shock: How do you forget how many weeks you are?!?! I'm always counting the days :oops: :oops: :rotfl:
LOL! i dont know... iv just been so busy and pre-occupied. its like when you have baby you know shes 4 months.. 5 months ect ect, but when she gets to three years its a joke trying to keep up and just gets confusing so now i say yes... shes three next month :lol: ok im rambaling.. :roll:

i had a sudden urge to paint a geraffe on the babys wall yesterday then today i felt the geraffe needed a pretty blue sky so i did that and now in the process of painting the tree the garaffe is eating from... next its the monkey in the tree! im sooooo proud of myself it looks really great didnt know i had it in me ! :D
i had actually chosen out all my colours then went into the store and on a sample card while lining up i saw a really pretty pink colour next to a brown, beige and a lighter pink it all looked so classy so i got those four colours.. two walls are light pink, two is beige and i also got a butterfly paint stamp and a flower paint stamp to use the brown and pink with. when i got home i painted the walls then i took the leftover yellow from DDs room and mixed it with beige to make it lighter and just randomly painted a geraffe! :rotfl: it looked soo cute then i used a sponge and a little brown and sponged it then i used a tiny paintbrush and did the eyes ears and markings he looks so fab perfect for babys room :) the sky looks pretty too i just mixed three diff shades of blue (leftover from the bathroom) and blended them with a fat paintbrush ...i better get back to work :D cant wait to show you pics!!!
sounds fab baby&i!!!!
I wish I had an artistic streak in me! lol!

cant wait for the pics!! :D
thankyou!!! :D I did my monkey!!! hes soooooo cute :D

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