
Well-Known Member
Mar 31, 2010
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I know im selfish!!! very selfish!!!
OH sister is pregnant...(shes an alcoholic):wall2:
why!! why cant i???
im know im self centered but why?
since i had my mmc everyone around me is pregnant and i mean it!:eek:
I just feel like crying right now but dont want to look stupid infront of OH.
I dont feel like i can do it anymore :(
I'm sorry Shauna :(

I don't think it's really the lifestyle of these pregnant people that is upsetting you, but the fact they are pregnant at all while you are not.

Maybe it upsets you more after you m/c i don't know because i haven't been there, but i'm sure that everyone in the ttc section feels sensitive when it comes to other people being pregnant - especially when they are a part of your everyday life.

It doesn't make you selfish.

...maybe a little hysterical... but definately not selfish :)

Of course you can do it, you have to do it, and it will all be worth it in the end when you have your baby in your arms. It will happen.

I try to tell myself that proximity to what you want, improves your chances of having it. Maybe the more pregnant people around you - the better!

Ok, it sounds like bs, but it helps me ;)
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It just pisses me off why cant i when im doing all this ...ovulation tests, legs up, symptom spotting, 2ww, folic acid crap. I feel like theres no point in it.. only a few days ago i found out my friend was pregnant aswell ... i was really pleased (tiny bit sad it wasnt me) because she got told she wasnt ovulating and they wouldnt give her clomid as her OH has a low sperm count. So i suppose im not totally selfish...why cant i be happy for OH sister? i feel like a right bitch...i knew she was as soon as i saw the OMG status on facebook...i just knew it. why coudnt that be me? i doubt ive done it this month either. so sorry to rant i must bore everyone just need to get it out as i dont want to sound like a bitch to OH :(
Don't get stressed babe,

It will happen and when it does you'll know you have done everything to ensure your baby is healthy and happy.

Don't be jealous of these girls I'd rather not be pregnant than be pregnant with a risk of having an unhealthy baby imagine the worry that would bring.

Rise above it all and don't let it get to you as you know stress is a bad thing when TTC.

If you're feeling stressed then go for a nice walk and get some fresh air and then do something nice tonight like making your favourite tea for you and OH.

If you need something to do to take your mind of things then make me a clip of your parrot swearing! I'd love to see that! I'm quite jealous! they've always fascinated me, I told Hubby I wanted one he said you can have one but you're not having a baby as well!! lol!!!

Chin up! xx
Hey hon, just wanted to send u a big hug. I felt like this after my m/c, It's a hard time and TTC is a roller-coaster of emotions. Lots of love and please believe that it will be you soon x x x
I know...its just talking about it to other people when they know we r ttc i feel like there thinking theres something wrong with me cos im not getting pregnant if you get me?
I will try and catch it seems to know when the video camera goes on ya know lol as soon as it hears the beep it watches me with one eye lol xxx
You're not boring us Shauna, it's good to get it off your chest :)

I wish i could shout and scream and get pissy, but i tend to just go numb and play it down - now that's boring...

To be perfectly honest, i don't like my OHs sister either and she hasn't done anything particularly wrong - i'm sure some people would think she is nice. I just want to slap her for the hell of it.

It's hard not to feel competitive with people that are the same generation that you don't know very well, but have become a part of your every day life.
aw thanks.
Ive had plenty of arguements with OH sister...punched her once not that im proud im not a violent person, just we have really had our arguements...same with his mother. I get on with them for my OH to be honest, his dad is spot on not that i see much of him he just keeps himself to himself. When i found out i decided id go do a test hahaha bfn
I went and had sex when i found out my friend was pregnant.

My hubby was like "Umm, aren't we supposed to wait 24 hours?" and i just said "Bedroom. Now." lol

You punched your OHs sister?! I'm sooooo jealous lol ;) Not that i condone violence...:gun:
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Lol, i was the opposite.
Hahaha yeah she was slagging me off and i was in the other room...was just shouting back but she called me fat and i just couldnt ignore it lol. Shes really nice to me these days like! wunda why lol!
Great pic by the way lol love it!
Have u tested yet?
Do you know how long you have to be trying for until you can go to see the doctor. This is my 6th month?
I love my little Pikachu... would it be weird if i called my first born Pikachu? lol

He's supposed to have his fingers crossed but it looks a little like he's making a bunny rabbit :dohh:

No, not tested. Waiting for Thursday with MaybeBaby :)

I think typicallly at least 12 months, but most expect 24 months before they take you seriously especially if you are younger than 30.

Just lie imo if you haven't spoke to them about it already.
Baby Pikachu..hmmmmm, would it go with your surname?
That would give SIL ammunition!
That's rough going shauna! Hopefully it will be your turn next and you and your OH sister will be pregnant at the same time, the cousins would be the same age then!

LouiseB, putting dog in the garden, wanting to hit your sis in-law and calling a baby are pure evil!! :) And you are so nice most of the time too!:muaha:

Shauna, I think we do want to compete a bit with people are own age but your SIL sounds off the scale.
Mine is a bit to the other extreme, very prim and very rich which makes me feel a bit inadequate, which is ridiculous, she was just born into money, it's not like she earnt it.
Just got to try and rise above it and ignore her, though if she's pregnant that's going to be really tough.
Good luck, xx
Thats a bit shitty it has to be that long before they will take me seriously :(

thanks for all your replies...everyone is literally getting pregnant it feels like there getting pregnant by just touching a man lol if ya get what i mean...but seriously since i started ttc 6 people in 6 months i know are pregnant! ah life!
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Just found out someone else is now lol my mates boss...and my mate rang me up sayin shes feeling pregnant too....bloody hell its baby season
It must be horrible for you, just remember that them being pregnant doesn't actually effect your chance of conceiving at all and even if it did i really feel it would only improve your chances.

I'm sure i've seen a documentary about groups of mammals, one of the females coming into heat and conceiving kind of triggers other females into become fertile too.
It must be horrible for you, just remember that them being pregnant doesn't actually effect your chance of conceiving at all and even if it did i really feel it would only improve your chances.

I'm sure i've seen a documentary about groups of mammals, one of the females coming into heat and conceiving kind of triggers other females into become fertile too.

Lol cool! and thanks again hun

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