OMG - what a bloater I am... showing as 32weeks already!


Well-Known Member
Apr 22, 2008
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I was measured yesterday with the tape measure for the first time and although I was 24+4 I was measuring as 32+weeks!!!

I know it's because I'm a big girl lol but it means I am getting an extra early growth scan so we get to go see James on the 'Belly Telly' next Tuesday!!!! I can't wait!!

I've been allocated a new community midwife too, her job title is 'Community Midwife for Vulnerable Women' :rotfl: She specialises in people with mental health issues, drink and alcohol problems and the inmates at our local prison! Apparently I'm one of her 'easier' ladies.... I've told her I'll work harder and to give me time :rotfl: She has already spoken to my consultant and has told her she will liase with labour ward as I need a single room (with internet!). She's doing a home visit next week, so have started spring cleaning today!!

How is everyone's bumps????

Sarah xxx
:wave: hiya, how do you know you are measuring 32 weeks? I would be interested to find out about myself. My bump has grown quite a lot over the past 4 weeks.
The midwife had a tape measure and she measured from top of my stomach/uterus to pubic bone and compares however many cms it is to my customised growth chart. Mine is showing up at about 32-33weeks pregnant already... but I am a very big lady to start with (size 26/28 before pregnancy) so i am not worried about possibly carrying a small baby elephant just yet. :rotfl:

They are doing a growth scan as a precaution as I have gestational diabetes. I had a scan about 4 weeks ago and baby's growth was perfect so there's no way I could have added that much baby belly in just 4 weeks! I'm still in my same trousers for a start!

Sarah xxx
Yay on getting extra help with the hospital and to getting your own room!! :cheer:
lol yeah Lea I should get internet too cuz I need to be able to contact OH if I get stressed outside of visiting hours and said I have other support that I can access online too (thats all you girlies lol)

They said that if I need OH here 24/7 I would have to have a room in the suite that is primarily for women who have lost their babies and I said I wouldn't do that as not fair for them to have to hear my baby. Apparently my MW has a lot of influence on the labour wards so it should be straight forward especially as I didn't want to stay in hosp after the birth and may have to due to diabetes - think they are trying to be extra nice as I'm 'vulnerable'.

Hospital are also feeling a bit guilty I think because 11 years ago I was led to believe there was a child protection conference held without my knowledge (which led to my paranioa about soc serv)... well this MW has gone through my whole file and it appears that there NEVER was any such meeting and I was mis-informed!!

Roll on 'Belly Telly' time on Tuesday!!!!!!

Sarah xxx
Sounds like they are really looking after you now which is great. You keep up the good work hun, you can do this!

Claire x
CH0C0H0LIC said:
Hospital are also feeling a bit guilty I think because 11 years ago I was led to believe there was a child protection conference held without my knowledge (which led to my paranioa about soc serv)... well this MW has gone through my whole file and it appears that there NEVER was any such meeting and I was mis-informed!!

Awww that is horrible! They must have said that to scare you or something and thats disgusting!! :hug: :hug: :hug:
The middy last time measured me at 38 weeks (i was 34 at the time) and told me to go and be monitored at my hozzie, i got there and another middy measured me saying i was only 35wks :roll:

I would ignore the measuring tape personally... Unless they scan you AND say you have gestational diabetes then don't worry and even then that does NOT mean you're going to give birth to the incredible hulk!

I deffo so have gestational diabetes so think they are just covering themselves by doing the extra scan.. I'm not overly concerned as scan I had at almost 21w was spot on growthwise... it's just a case of me being a big girl so I will always measure further on as I prob measure 6w pregnant before even conceiving!!!!

Roll on scan day!!!!!

Sarah xxx
CH0C0H0LIC said:
I deffo so have gestational diabetes so think they are just covering themselves by doing the extra scan.. I'm not overly concerned as scan I had at almost 21w was spot on growthwise... it's just a case of me being a big girl so I will always measure further on as I prob measure 6w pregnant before even conceiving!!!!

Roll on scan day!!!!!

Sarah xxx

i was measured yesterday for the first time and i was measured at 23+ and i actually 22+ but she said a cm each way is normal, as you know i am also a "BIG" girl i asked if this makes a difference and she said no. :? what midwife do you see? glad to hear your getting proper support now hun :hug:
Hi Emmie, I had my new midwife who's based at the Mat Unit the other day and she measured me at 32+ but seemed ok about it and they didn't rush me through for a scan there and then, just said they wanted me to have one in the next 7-10days, no later as I have a scan booked for 28w anyways and they want my scans at 2w intervals (ish).

I have to bear in mind that the hospital BMI charts go from stick thin to OMFG how does she move under all that blubber... and I'm off the chart at the blubber end so in my case it must account for a few extra centimetres tbh. :rotfl:

Sarah xxx
emmie said:
CH0C0H0LIC said:
I deffo so have gestational diabetes so think they are just covering themselves by doing the extra scan.. I'm not overly concerned as scan I had at almost 21w was spot on growthwise... it's just a case of me being a big girl so I will always measure further on as I prob measure 6w pregnant before even conceiving!!!!

Roll on scan day!!!!!

Sarah xxx

i was measured yesterday for the first time and i was measured at 23+ and i actually 22+ but she said a cm each way is normal, as you know i am also a "BIG" girl i asked if this makes a difference and she said no. :? what midwife do you see? glad to hear your getting proper support now hun :hug:

When I was measured the other day I was measuring 25cm but am 24 weeks. She didn't comment on it, just said everything was fine. Am a big girl too so was wondering how she could even feel anything through all the blubber! :shock:
Hey hun
Im really pleased you have sorted out your hospital situation, i know you were really worried about it at last you can sit back and enjoy the rest of your pregnancy :wink:
Hennaly... yay you're back from sunny Spain!!! :dance:

where's me virtual stick of rock and postcard?????

Yeah I'm glad things are looking up this end, have had a few good days since speaking to the new midwife so good the OH hasn't had to retreat to the garden shed as much.. I must be getting easier to live with :wink:

Hows you m'dear?

Sarah xxx
CH0C0H0LIC said:
I was measured yesterday with the tape measure for the first time and although I was 24+4 I was measuring as 32+weeks!!!

I know it's because I'm a big girl lol but it means I am getting an extra early growth scan so we get to go see James on the 'Belly Telly' next Tuesday!!!! I can't wait!!

I've been allocated a new community midwife too, her job title is 'Community Midwife for Vulnerable Women' :rotfl: She specialises in people with mental health issues, drink and alcohol problems and the inmates at our local prison! Apparently I'm one of her 'easier' ladies.... I've told her I'll work harder and to give me time :rotfl: She has already spoken to my consultant and has told her she will liase with labour ward as I need a single room (with internet!). She's doing a home visit next week, so have started spring cleaning today!!

How is everyone's bumps????

Sarah xxx

Ooh, is it Helen Foster that is going to be seeing you? :D
Hi Debbie yeah it's Helen thats my new Midwife... she seems really nice so far (don't trust any 'professional' at the mo lol).

She's doing a home visit next Friday - I'm taking no chances and buying bleach and cleaning like it's going out of fashion lol Considering moving OH, dogs and son down to shed to live for a few days and sending them packed lunches so they don't make a mess in the house - is that a little too much do you think????

Do you know Helen as a midwife and if so how did you rate her?

Sarah xxx

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