omg shes driving me mad!!!


Well-Known Member
Apr 24, 2006
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I am at the point where i just wana stick myself in a room and not come out, Hope is getting so bad its really getting me down, she wont nap in the day time any more, i think she gets up before me but just plays so i dont hear her, that makes me feel aweful. She hits, paddys to the point where she keeps banging her head on things, im worried shes gonna do some damage :( When im not working i dont get a break as gal only sees her for an hour and when he does look after her im working. I need a fooking break, gosh ive read this and i dont think it makes sense, i really need a holiday big time other wise im gonna drive myself insane, sorry rant over
Aww I dont have any advice im afraid hun but just wanted 2 give u these :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:
awww thankyou hunny, i feel like im being a bad mum :hug:
Have you got somebody that you trust that could maybe look after Hope for a few hours or overnight every now and again? Don't think your a bad Mum cos we all get stressed out at times and need a break :hug:
:hug: The terrible twos!!!!! I'm very lucky with my little lad so far. The best advice I can give you is you need time away, its not a bad thing to not be mummy for a couple of hours, to go out, get dressed up. Best thing is when she has a tantrum is just walk away, shut the door (We had to change door knobs so he could not follow me!) sounds cruel but they just like to test your patients. My health visitor told me to let him chuck him self back, he will learn after a few times so long as you don't make a fuss, he soon grew out of it by the second time!

As for sleep, just leave her to play! so long as she is safe, have a cuppa and some Choc. My lad stopped from 2 sleeps to none in a few months, sometimes I have a lucky day!

But best advice is don't beat yourself up so much, you need time to yourself sometimes too and when you are happy you have a happy child too, the more you stress the more she will act up!
It's horrible when they're like it, DD started getting really bad when she was about 15-16 months. She'd headbutt the floor in a temper and be really badly behaved, I didn't think it could get any worse but then she turned 2..... :shock:

If you feel like you need a break then see if you can get someone to look after her for a couple hours so you can. I'm a SAHM to 2 and rarely get a break, but the evenings are great when DH comes home and can help out.

Also, if it was me personally, I'd hold off the ttc for a while. The last thing you need is to be in first tri and going through this! It doesn't get easier for a while and I can tell you it's bloody hard work dealing with a someone like DD and looking after a baby :)

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