omg ov on cd 8?!


Well-Known Member
May 8, 2006
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I have been taking my temp each morning from the start of af, af finished properly on day 7, I had two days of spotting day 6 and 7 and two days before af started.

I took my temp this morning and there was a big dip, Ijust did an opk and theres a strong second line! :eek: :eek: :eek:

How can this be possible? ive just stopped bleeding!!

Cervix is open, wet and ready :rotfl:

Cant be right? surely :think:
:think: :think: Not sure but I would get Bding anyway.
It's perfectly posible, it's more rare to be day 14 kind of gal from what I've read.

Btw is this the line you use as a come on?
Cervix is open, wet and ready

Can I pinch it? :rotfl:
lol sounds like you are oving, quick grap oh and jump on him :rotfl: :D some women can ov at different times in their cycle and considering your recent loss your body is probaly a bit out of wack (like mine), also mabe your oving becasue that's what your pre pregnancy cycle was when you ov'd?
Id say its certainly posssible you are tasha!!!! If you look at my chart youl see a dip on CD 12 then rise's again. Get bd'ing hun!!!!!!!!! :dance:
Go jump on your OH just in case.

i hope you catch that egg :hug:
Tasha if you look at my chart I ov'd on CD7 in my May cycle :D It was my first proper ovulation after my loss at Christmas!!! Getting bedding lady :D
I always ov early, thats why it took us so long to conceive Brody.... I was waiting too long!

Good luck!
:cheer: Thanks everyone.

Well OH surprised me last night and we went Global Gathering :dance: it was wicked, we come home and bedded of course!

Cervix still open so im either about to ov or just have, so will see by this afternoon :cheer:

Thank you again everyone, I hope it is ov! :cheer:

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