Omg... in so much pain :(

Lacey's Mummy

Well-Known Member
Feb 22, 2010
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My ribs are killing me!! I can't get comfy however i sit or lie and warms baths ain't helping!
Ive looked on google and it said, rib pain is normally due to the baby growing pressing on my ribs but once he drops it should go!!
I hope he drops soon cos it really really hurts :(
oh no LM hope youre ok! have a nice long lie down on sofa in front of telly xx
Not fun! I agree though, have a lie down on your side and try and massage your ribs if you can...perhaps it'll encourage him to move away from them a little. I haven't experienced rib pain yet as he's laying across but i can imagine its awful.
Lying down makes it worse huni! The only way to stop it from hurting is to stand up and i can't do that all day :( x x
I feel your pain - I've had this mainly when I'm sitting for the last week or so.
oh no thats annoying!! err, lean against a wall all day?? lol! xxx
Well just got myself into a really silly postion which was comfy... glad no one can see me lol
ive had the exact same my ribs and my body is aching no matter how i lie doesnt take the pain away its driving me insane its actually starting to make me feel unwell:(
doesnt help when ur on your pregnancy ball all day yesterday lol body is aching today feels like i did a workout at the gym
I've just walked lace to school and the pains completly gone! It must be because when I'm sat down there's hardly any room for little man so he's pushing up into my ribs!
iv get it occasionally when sitting down and although its not painful for me its really uncomfortable and so have to lean forward over the side of the sofa!! although last time i tried that my OH took it as a sign i was 'presenting to him' hahahahahahahahahah!! xx
aw hope you feel better soon I really feel for u xx
Hope the pain stays away for you chick xx
I have so much sympathy for you, I am getting some rib pain but I know it's only gonna get worse! I feel like hanging off a door frame or something, to try and stretch it out a bit lol

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