OMG! I'm having a baby


Well-Known Member
Jun 19, 2006
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Had my scan and OH were blown away. Things are really starting to sink in.

Baby was well, with a strong heartbeat. Can't believe I'm going to be a mum. We both shed a little tear!

Small downside, I've been put back to 12w2ds due to my irregular cycle, but not that upset as just soooooo pleased baby is happy and healthy :D

Awwwwwwwwww That is great!!!!!!!

Glad all is well babe xx
awww hun your baby looks so cute... and relaxed.

Glad everything went alright xx :hug:
Thank you :D I can't stop smiling! It all seems so much more real now.
violet-glow said:
awww hun your baby looks so cute... and relaxed.

Glad everything went alright xx :hug:

Relaxed is not the word! lol
The nurse said he was asleep with his legs crossed and his hands behind his head..............(the same as his mum had been doing all day!)
aww love him/her. hehe my baby was doing that when we went for the first scan aswell, as you can tell from my little pic. I think its follows its dad though, because im not like that :fib: lol
that is such a clear beautiful picture well done misslarue. how far did they put you back by the way? what were you before? :clap:
awww what a gorgeous scan!

its crap when they put u back eh ;) i was put back nearly 3 weeks!!! lol

god damn irregular periods eh ;)
Totally agree on the 'damn irregular periods'! :wink: They suck!

I thought I was 14w1d today, so they put me back 1w4d, which to me is a huge difference but to OH is apparently nothing! What's a week and 4 days he says. He just doesn't get it!!

The thing that sucked the most was that I thought I was in the second trimester but have now been put back to the 1st.................not whinging really, am just sooooo glad babe is all good :D
you only here for a few days misslarue. then you will be offically in 2nd trimester. :dance: i think i will be put back loads as my cycle varied between 33-36 days imagine putting me back three weeks i would be gutted, im getting such strong symptoms as well for someone who is 6 weeks if thats when they put me back aaahh!! :wall:
I know its only a few more days to go, but I've already done them! :wink:
(Isn't is weird how everyday counts since you become pregnant?! lol)

Three weeks would be to feel for you, lozzi :hug:

Rusks, do you think they will definitely put you back? When is your dating scan? My LMP was 17/04/2006, but my cycle is generally every 31 days, although a few times they have been between 32-36 days. The weird thing is when I found out I thought I was 6 weeks, but I guess I was only 4, even though I was 11 days late when I finally got my BFP. I don't know, I'm getting so confused trying to work it all out!!!
yeah i get confused too my LMP was 24/05/2006 so that makes me nearly 9 weeks from that date but i reckon i ovulated on day21 of my cycle 3 weeks later!! we'll see at the scan i guess i have no date yet. see the midwife for my booking in appointment on tues xx

i think your scan pic is one of the clearest i have ever seen well done xx :clap:
ahhhh thank you hun :dance:
I was soooo nervous. This is my first and I had convinced myself that I wasn't really pregnant. Was so brilliant finally seeing my little bubba on screen :D

Good luck on Tuesday hun, hope everything goes well for you. I got my scan date about a week after, so fingers crossed you don't have to wait too long.

I'm done with trying to work it all out, just going to take their word for it!
yeah i think i will go with the experts as well. enjoy it misslarue xx :dance:

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