OMG ..... im finally getting induced tomorrow!!

:yay: Good luck for tomorrow! Wont be long now till you get to meet your LO!! :love: xx
:dance: Congrats!! It is scary isn't it...its like you've took all this time growing and nurturing this little life and now you're eventually going to meet him! Best of luck hun. x
Good luck hun, I'll be waiting got your texts!

Eeee good luck! Just stay positive and keep moving! xxx You'll have your little man soon!
Yay! I bet you cannot wait! How exciting - you will be a Mummy in a matter of hours! X

yay! but remember that induction can take a few days to get you into labour, iI bet it wont for you cos your body is so ready but be prepared just incase! Pack lots of magazines!!

Yeah im going to Asda later to stock up on snacks and magazines and stuff :)

Awwww reading all these posts is making me really excited now, thanks everyone!! :dance:

And ill keep you posted as much as i can Pinkymum! xxx
wishing you all the luck in the word for a quick and easy induction - stay positive and open-minded about everything that happens and get ready for the best feeling of your life when they put that little bundle on your chest for the first time... it's unbelieveable.. good luck hun.. am so excited for you x x x
Cherelle I'm so excited for you. :dance:
Hope it all goes well and FAST and you get to meet your little man real soon
YAY!!!... hope it happens really quick for you! cant wait for the updates now! hopefully they wont keep you waiting to long tomorrow! xx
I was just thinking about you this morning! Glad to hear the babys arrival is now imminent - good luck! Am so excited for you! x
Good luck for tomorrow cherrelle. Can't wait to hear your news.
Yay! Ive been checking every few hours the last week or so to see if you've gone into labour! How exciting! Good luuuuucccccckkkkkkk!
Well i think im as prepared as ill ever be now! I wonder how long it will take? I bet ill be there all week at least! x
I was unfavourable when I went in, but the first lot of gel worked fine on me, so heres hoping the same happens with you :) The birthing ball and walking will be your friend while your in there. And if your hospital is like mine, the food will be as well. 3 cooked meals with a pudding without fail everyday. Cant be bad :)
Ha you make it sound amazing Melio! I think my cervix was favourable last week so i hope that should work. I dont mind resting up in bed reading and eating etc until it does lol :) xx
Good luck cherelle! Can't wait to hear your news, exciting!!! Hope it all goes really well hun.

Cherelle I can't believe your big day is almost here, doesn't seem that long ago you uploaded your first picture of your tum! Best of luck and can't wait to see a pic of your baby boy xx
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theres that shopping bit at the hospital, I cant remember what they call it, take loadsa cash and make the most of stuffing your face at the coffee shops! Its your last chance to use the 'im pregnant' excuse (for now at least :lol:) loads of walking to be done there :yay:
Damn right it was amazing! I made sure my parents came to pick me up after Id had lunch because it was chocolate pudding and chillie that day. I had a very painful moment though when I was almost at the point of peeing myself with laughter because they thought putting a jacket potato with beans on the same plate as lamb stew was a good idea. It was funny at the time I swear.

Ahhh the hospital shop. Me and FOB spent many an hour down there milling around, grabbing me lots of sweets :)

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