OMG i'm crapping

Hey SG, labour hurts, I'm not going to lie to you because it will do you no service (anyone who tells you it doesn't hurt is talking poo IMO)
But you can do it and I agree, the best thing you can do is try to relax and breathe. Fear definitely makes pain worse so believe in your body, after all, look how clever it is making your gorgeous lo!!
You have lots of options, you don't need to take more pain than you can handle - so relax!!!
We're all dying to see your gorgeous baby :) xx
oh im the same hun, better shittin it these past few days n got the hunger restlesness too

i think im ok with having baby here but thinking aabout her becoming a todler to teenager person i own n have to be responsible for n what not freakes me out lol

also very nervous about the labour , there quie a few of us due in the same week i think so wil be curious to see if any of us go early
its been a long wait hasnt it....with the mc last year it literally feels like i been pregnant for 12 months!!! :)

i am def keeping my options open with regard to epi and am going to say striaght away that i will be asking for one if it gets too much, just so they know :) xx
oh im the same hun, better shittin it these past few days n got the hunger restlesness too

i think im ok with having baby here but thinking aabout her becoming a todler to teenager person i own n have to be responsible for n what not freakes me out lol

also very nervous about the labour , there quie a few of us due in the same week i think so wil be curious to see if any of us go early

its going to be a crazy week if we all go that week...ha ha xx
Hey Hun

I feel the same as you. I have been having mild period pains also. Urges to use the loo and lots and lots of kicks. I'm getting really excited now and ok a little nervous too.

Can't wait to meet my baby xx
people are already texting me asking if any twinges

cant believe its actually my turn...all my mates who were pregnant have now had their babies...its me next...eeeekk...and its me soon...omg xx
You will be fabulous, remember the more pain the harder your body is working to get baby out! x
my cousin is a nurse and she said she can tell i am the type of person who deals with pain well and that i wont panic or make a see if she is right!!! i do tend to play on pain if it will get me sympathy..ha ha...but i am going to do my best to just get on with the job in hand..

to be fair the pain i went through last march and i walked out of that hospital with nothing.....then bring this on......xx
come on boo boo....everyone wants to meet you :) full moon tomorrow...i know im a few days off 37 weeks but this baby alreasy weighs about 7lb...ha'll be just fine!!!! although sam does have a busy week at work, so if i could put oy order in for saturday that'd be smashing :) xx
Well, pushing a 7lb 3oz baby out of my vagingo did not hurt at all, it was a relief! Contractions hurt towards the end, and again the pressure in my bum was uncomfortable, but the actual birth did not hurt. Maybe because her heart rate was dropping I blocked the pain out ..or maybe I've just got a bucket! :lol: Bare in mind I'm the biggest wimp in the world, I cry when I'm plucking my eyebrows or popping spots, or even if you poke me in the arm! :shock: So if I can do it, I'm pretty darn sure you can Samsgirl! Labour in general is tough work on our bodies but it's amazing what our bodies can do, when you see LO you'll be so proud of yourself hun, It was the best thing I've ever done. xxx
i feel the same way missus. ive always thought i would probably be early and this week i have all the same things as your said at the start of this thread. tbh id rather just get it over with now so i can have my body back to some degree lol.
i was 10 days early and ive been obsessivley early for everything ever since lol. i cant fit a proper meal anymore but im munching on peanuts now lol and im always nibbling on things. its so uncomfy to walk and get up/sit down. i cant turn over in bed. its so hard id prefer not to bother lol.
i now have to go for no2's a few times a day too! i felt a bit odd/sick yesterday tho not actually sick but out of sorts iykwim?
absolutely horrid night, i was so restless and felt odd. weird feelings in my tum, pain in my bum lol.
added to the very wriggly baby and the usual pelvic pain it made for a terribly sleepless night and my hips hurt loads now! i had to pee 4 times and i usually only go once in the night even now.
sounds like she is nustling right down my dear...

i have just hoovered like 4 rooms and you would think i had run a marathon!!! back and knees are killing me and boo boo is doing somersaults!! ha ha
lol i gotta mop the hall and kitchen as ive been remiss and the dogs have left a pale mud coloured trail on the floor. and the cat has left his usual food debris area round his bowl. must get onto finishing the bathroom tiling to day too i think lol

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