Omg don't do this!!! Warning tmi thread!!!! Hahaha!

aw nat ive been there too but then I tried the actual pessary tablet and touch wood ive not had thrush in weeks

yeah on top feels a bit tight for me too and i cant go on the bottom cause i get way to uncomfortable xx
Maybe it's all that extra baby weight pressing down lol!! X

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im rarely on top anymore first cuz i get to tired, and second.. its so easy to blame im too tired and he dont mind doing the work :D
i only do it now if demba is getting a full night of treats :p

(how come the threads of sex is always so popular :D)

They do seem to be don't they!

I asked hubby for seconds and he was like omg!!! Haha! I just know birth is soon and I only have 4 weeks left to get jiggy hahahahaha!!

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Hehe this thread made me smile!!

I'm only just getting my sex drive back, but I do get quite a lot of cramps for about half an hour after which puts me off a bit. OH doesn't seem to worry about it though, funny that!! Bless him, he's coped very well with about 6 weeks of nothing to be fair.

Yodabo - I feel tighter, and it makes me worry how I'm supposed to push a baby's head out! :S

Why wasnt there a sex thread when i was preggers lmao. This is what happens when i leave you all for a couple of days ahahaha!

Im single so wasnt gettin any whilst pregnant (not that i was complainin, i felt like a big hippo!) BUT my ex (not Rileys dad) is coming round to see me tomorrow night! Bit soon after iv just pushed a great big head thru my passage to narnia like so i doubt anything shall be happening, but im thinkin i may do abit of the ol flirty flirty, use the badboys while there still nice and big and hopefully get somethin between us goin again! Ready for next time!

oh Beth you poor thing that made me giggle "use the bad boys" thats the only thing i hate about pregnancy the big boobs im normally a nice 32B and lately im a 34C but La Senza said I should be wearing a 34D I hate boobs lol there so annoying OH is NOT complaining poor soul he wil miss them xx

Why wasnt there a sex thread when i was preggers lmao. This is what happens when i leave you all for a couple of days ahahaha!

Im single so wasnt gettin any whilst pregnant (not that i was complainin, i felt like a big hippo!) BUT my ex (not Rileys dad) is coming round to see me tomorrow night! Bit soon after iv just pushed a great big head thru my passage to narnia like so i doubt anything shall be happening, but im thinkin i may do abit of the ol flirty flirty, use the badboys while there still nice and big and hopefully get somethin between us goin again! Ready for next time!

abit of the old bum love comes to mind? :oooo:

I called Demba up and said i need some and we realised that unless a big argument or me being in sweden we have NEVER gone this long (be 6th night tonight) :shakehead:
So tomorrow ive got a hot sexdate! (plus going out with the girls, got a feeling i will rush home :oooo: )
Also i had to remind him that he needs to make sure its nice and moist up there otherwise little noa wont ever come out i be too dried up :shock:
yeah he fell for that one :whistle:

im a bit lazy when it comes to goin on top, my OH is quite big, and i allways feel full, even b4 i was pregnant so now i feel realllly full,lol

but its every other night for us, allways has been (exept when i was on my period) sometimes everynight, sends us both to sleep in each others arms, cheesy i know after 6 1/2 yrs, but still nice, lol

kinda off topic but not really.... my friend was tellin me that theres a bit of a thoery going down that if u orgasm when u conceive its a boy and if u dont its a girl.... (my OH ALLWAYS gets me to come everysingle time so im guessing its gona be a boy, but have a feelin it maybe a girl,

this theory true for any1 so far??
Prob a really silly question but is it men's sperm that kick starts labour or orgasms??? I was thinking of using my vibrator afew days before im due! hahaa

there's something in the sperm x

Apparently both work, as Sperm have the prostroglandins, and plain orgasims have ocytocin, and both help, so enjoy Lacys Mummy!:roll:
You know what's funny girls, is since I got into Tri 2, I have been like a dog on heat! Keep waiting for OH to come in from his night work and catch him before kids get up! (I want it daily! nightmare, was never like this before pregnancy!).

When we do it, tho, Hubby has quite a belly on him now himself, (def twins in there) , and so we spend our time belly boucing practically, and it's hilarious!
Lmfao!!! ^^^ that sounds like me
And my hubby lol!!!!! Belly bouncing love it!! That's why I stick a pillow under my bum so he has more space lol coz my bumps a bit thurther back an I go a bit left and he goes a bit right or vice virsa haha!

You know I had the big "O" when i conceived my son and nothing when I conceived my daughter there might be something in that!!! :D

This time round I enjoyed myself but no big "o" "0" "O" lol!!! So let's wait and see .... Lol!!

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I always have the big "O" always and having a girl this time so not sure about the theory xx

im a bit lazy when it comes to goin on top, my OH is quite big, and i allways feel full, even b4 i was pregnant so now i feel realllly full,lol

but its every other night for us, allways has been (exept when i was on my period) sometimes everynight, sends us both to sleep in each others arms, cheesy i know after 6 1/2 yrs, but still nice, lol

kinda off topic but not really.... my friend was tellin me that theres a bit of a thoery going down that if u orgasm when u conceive its a boy and if u dont its a girl.... (my OH ALLWAYS gets me to come everysingle time so im guessing its gona be a boy, but have a feelin it maybe a girl,

this theory true for any1 so far??

i know i do everytime and im having a boy. So theory works out for me hehe :) x

im a bit lazy when it comes to goin on top, my OH is quite big, and i allways feel full, even b4 i was pregnant so now i feel realllly full,lol

but its every other night for us, allways has been (exept when i was on my period) sometimes everynight, sends us both to sleep in each others arms, cheesy i know after 6 1/2 yrs, but still nice, lol

kinda off topic but not really.... my friend was tellin me that theres a bit of a thoery going down that if u orgasm when u conceive its a boy and if u dont its a girl.... (my OH ALLWAYS gets me to come everysingle time so im guessing its gona be a boy, but have a feelin it maybe a girl,

this theory true for any1 so far??

Pfft! I'm having a boy and when we conceived I was nowhere near a bloody orgasm. :( He failed miserably at pleasing me! So glad we're not together, don't think I could put up with the crappy sex tbh. XD LOL!
haha im not sure when i concived as Noa was a little suprise but i dont have the big O all the time, i have always struggled getting to it when having sex. On my own its no problems tho :D
Don't think i've ever orgasmed during sex :( No problem during foreplay though thankgod.
I rarely orgasm during sex but that's cuz my DH gets me to have one first coz it's better lol unless he is feeling lazy

We just tried the leg on hubbys chest and on my side thing and we were like ummmm lol!!! Worked for about half a Min till we dissided to switch back haha! Not adventurous enough yet to try the birthing ball :rotfl:

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