omg a faint line


Well-Known Member
Aug 7, 2005
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oh my god just got up and tested and got a faint line i cant believe after months of trying the very month my o/h walks out on me is the month i get a bfp how typical is that my head is a mess now xxx
Hi Rach

Try to be happy about your BFP - you will be a great mum!!! Everything else will get sorted, concentrate on the little 'en growing inside you!

Congratulations Rach. You will be great with or without O/H. I think this is what is known as sods law.
congrats Rach you will make a great mum with or without o/h.
Congratulations Rach, I know it must be hard for you but try and concentrate on the good news, you are so lucky!! :D
I'm a firm believer in 'everything happens for a reason.'
Lots of love and hugs,
Sam xx
I agree completely with Sam, things happen for a reason.

I have no idea what you must be going through Rach, but even though you must feel on your own, you are not. That is what we are all here for. The support I have found on here for those 'down days' is invaluable.

You also already have a child, and I'm sure he (I seem to remember he's a boy) is at an age where he can help you.

I want to shout 'congratulations' at you, but I know your head must be all over the place at the minute, so that may be the wrong word to use today. However I am sure that you will come to terms with this, and realise that you will all be okay.

Sending you lots of Hugs.
thanks everyone after testing again and getting same result i went to town and got another twin pack so now ive got 2 boots ones that show a faint line and 2 first response ones that show a faint line so dont think i can say its wrong anymore have got over the initial shock am just feeling very low at the moment i know im lucky really guess am just very scared right now of doing it all alone
thanks for the support everyone xxxxxxxxxx
Hi Rach

Congratulations and OMG - life is like that sometimes and everyone is right - You'll be great and we'll all be here to support you.

Take care
Hi Rach,

Not quite sure if to say congrats or not. Having a little life growing inside you is worth more than any man!
Have you told him yet? What do you think he will say and is there any chance of you getting back together now you're preggers?
Either way I wish you all the luck in the world and hope everything turns out well for you, and remember you aren't entirely on your own.
Stay strong.
Sending you big hugs.
hi nicki no ive not told him ive not told anyone yet cant even get my head round it. i dont want him back especially not just because im pregnant am going to keep it from him as long as possible and hopefully he will find someone else before he finds out and he wont want to know
thanks again everybody xxxx
Hi Rachel
Just checkin in today stayed away for a while. Wanted to know how every1 was doin. Big hugs & kisses to you we all here for you. I'm happy you're pregnant & I know you'll be fine. You'll have a beautiful baby & nothing can take away from that. We're all rooting for you Lorrie xxx :)
Hi Rach,

Congrats on your BFP! I'm sure this might be a mixed feeling time!! Everything that happens, happens for a reason and theres a reason why you were suppose to get pregnant. It may not be for you to know just know that theres a reason. I truly believe that god doesnt give us anything we can't handle. We as mothers find a way to fight for our children even tho we may get blindsided temporarily we always come out fighting and for our children we always find a way to make sure everything's ok!! Continue to have faith knowing that god gave you miracle and you will be able to get on! We are always here for you, come to any of us when need to and try to enjoy this time and not be under stress. Easier said then done I know, but atleast try.

xoxo Ree
Hi Rach

You have waited and wanted this BFP for so long! Once you get used to the idea i'm sure you'll be very happy about it...I know your head is all over the place right now!... You know you can do it without your OH because you've already brought a child into this world. You've managed before and you'll manage again!

Sods law has a wicked way about him..... but maybe he chose this month because he knows you can handle it....You sound like a stong person.

I'm gonna say congratulations (for when you get used to the idea) I'm sendig you a big HUG xxxxx

Look after your self, your bump and your son! you 3 are a family now!
thanks hayley hun am doing a lot better today
good luck this month to all who are ttc somebody hurry im in the june 2006 babies all on my own :(
baby dust to everyone xxxxxxxx
what date did you get in June?

Glad your feeling a bit better..


june the 2nd hun and yes u can shout congratulations now :D thanks hun xxxx
I'm glad your feeling better about it now, so congrats and hopefully i will be joining you in the june babies if my fortune teller was right! lol

Take care hun x
thanks hun i hope you will be joining me 2 :D
ooh fortune teller i love it tell me more what did she say?

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