Olivia Townley's Unsuccesfull homebirth

Tasha20 said:
:hug: Thank you Jade, Hun as your epidural is planned it will be put in at the right time, unfortunatly for me I was too late to have one as the labour progressed very quickly towards the end , it should work for you! So please don't be scared hun your in safe hands with those docs they will look after you :hug:

I do hope so Tasha...was discussing with the MW the other day and she says I could suprise myself and get further on without needing one :? Im gonna try and go with the flow I think....
congrats uhnny, sorry u didnt get ur homebirth, she's stunning result tho xx
well done tash!! shes a sweetie!!! :clap:

**u had on the same nightie i had on** :dance:

aawww shes beautiful... hows ur stitching going?
She is absolutely gorgeous!
Amazing to see her at just 2 mins old looking up at you with so much love in her little eyes!
Well done Tash!
Awww thanks all :hug:

Stitching is going ok still abit sore but all worth it for my little one. lol we had the same nightie :D How about yours? or didnt you have any?

Your princess is beautifull too Ebs welldone! :hug:
Tasha, she is gorgeous! Well done you! It sounds like you had a tough time but at least it went so quickly at the end and it was all worth it!

Hope you had a lovely Christmas x
Wow what a story, that must have been disappointing but at least you didn't end up having a c-section. She's lovely and I'm sure she'll appreciate it one day. :)
Congratulations, love the pictures of her - very cute

I just emailed you but hadn't caught up with the birth stories for a while. Wow that sounded very painful but your little girl is beautiful. What a perfect Xmas pressie :hug:
Thanks :) lol shes changed so much sinse those piccies, they grow so fast :D
I must say so sorry you couldnt have your home birth as planned but im so happy your both in the world safe and a sound :)

Was a great story, and very funny to read too xx

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