Louis Eden Huxley,,, May 5th,,, 6lb 8oz


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Apr 22, 2008
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At last I can find a few minutes to post my birth story :wave: Decided I had to do it before baby's one month old!
Baby was due on May 6th (on my birthday :D )... On Sunday 4th I was feeling very well and was sure I would go overdue as I still had no signs of anything... In the evening my OH was playing a gig and I went with him as I didn't want to stay home feeling very pregnant, ha ha! We got back home quite late and I was lying in bed trying to get some sleep when just before 2 a.m. my waters broke... had time to run to the toilet where I stayed for a good half hour waiting for all this liquid to stop flowing! I then called the birth centre as I was starting to have quite strong contractions every 4 minutes (no doubt about what it was!). They told me to come to be checked as my waters had broken but obviously didn't take me seriously concerning my contractions (thinking "this is her first baby, she doesn't know what it's like, he he") as they said I would probably be sent back home to wait for the "real" thing. In the car I was already unable to speak through the contractions and I could feel they were coming closer. We got to the hospital at 3.30 a.m., you have to be checked at the delivery suite before being admitted into the birth centre which is inside the hospital. As the midwife started very calmly to monitor baby's heartbeat she noticed my contractions were now coming every 2 to 3 minutes and said "If you still want to go to the birth centre we'd better go now". As the contractions were now really bad I was thinking "OMG if it's just the start what is it going to be like later?!". We walked into the birth centre around 4 a.m., the contractions were now so close that I had almost no chance to speak in between... my OH said to the midwife I wanted to use the pool and she immediately started to fill it in (as they don't get you in the pool before you're 5 or 6 cms dilated I thought this was a good sign!). I remember telling her I wanted to use my TENS machine but she said it was too late :( She gave me some gas and air while the pool was being filled but it had absolutely no effect on me, I wasn't taking it properly as my breathing was very frantic and I was starting to panic because everything was too quick, my body wasn't prepared to all this :shock: I stayed in the pool for 10 minutes, honestly it made no difference as I was in too much pain... she got me out of the pool because she couldn't monitor baby's heartbeat because of my contractions being too close to each other. From then on my memory of events is a big blur: she called another midwife to discuss my being transferred to the hospital's delivery suite because of fetal distress... I heard her say I had gone from 4 cms to 9 cms in less than an hour :shock: The pain was unbearable by then and I was starting to feel the need to push... I was lucky to have such a lovely OH to bear my biting of his hands and my screaming quite loud :oops: I was then rushed into the hospital's room next doors, where a very patronizing doctor shouted at me telling me to stop screaming and to pant and push instead. I couldn't believe I was already at this stage... As I heard the doctor say she was going to have to perform an episiotomy I suddenly pushed as hard as I could so that they didn't have time to do it because baby was coming out... I ended up with a second degree tear instead (didn't even feel the doctor stitching me up as I was too busy looking at my baby). After all this panic and agitation baby Louis was born at 5.53 a.m., weighing 6lb 8 oz. It is true that you forget everything the minute you see the baby!!!

Congratulations :cheer: sounds like a perfect birth (quick!) :D xx
Patronising docs at the womens?? :shock: Never!!lol

Congratulations. he is lovely :hug:
WOW!! That sounded a bit unexpected!
He is soooooo cute!! Congratulations!!
Woohoo! Brilliant birth story!

Sounds like you had a megaquick labour like me! I got to the midwife unit wondering if the pain was supposed to be so bad so quickly and the midwife was hurriedly filling the pool!!!!!

Congratulations on the birth of Louis :hug:
Congratulations Sylvie :D

Must be that birth centre as I went from 4cm - 10 cm in just 20 mins in that place :lol:

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