Olivia Marie Linda Cornes 23.8.2011 2.16am 7lb 14oz


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Sep 16, 2010
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I'd like to share my birth story with you all and like you all to help me in welcoming my gorgeous daughter into the world. Its a bit of a long story i'm afraid :roll:

My birth story – Jacqueline Kelly

Well I was booked in to be induced on Sunday 21st August 2011 at 2pm as I would be 40 + 10. We arrived at the hospital very nervously to be told they were a bit busy and could we go back in half an hour and then my room would be ready. So we went for a walk outside and sit down as it was so warm. We went back and were shown to our room, which would be mine until I went to Delivery Room. I was examined about 4.45pm and given my 1st pessary and was monitored for an hour. We were told I’d be examined again in 6 hours and would be given the 2nd pessary then. I was examined at 11.45pm and I was only 1cm and given my next pessary and monitored again for an hour. Steve then had to go home, we were told we both needed our rest for the next day and that they would be breaking my waters about 7am. I couldn’t sleep at all due to my room being right by reception and it was a busy night on the labour ward, plus my window was directly opposite A & E and about 3pm a really drunk old man was shouting to himself right outside my window. I must have dropped off and woke up about 6am thinking I was going to be examined again but Labour and Delivery was very busy so they left me to it and said when it quietened down then they would come and get me and take me to a delivery room and break my waters and start the drip.

My mum came over about 9.30am as she was going to be my birthing partner alongside Steve and we sat in my assessment room. After waiting for what seemed like ages it was 1.30pm and we were taken down to Delivery where our lovely Midwife told me what was going to happen, she examined me and I was still 1cm. She asked if I wanted an epidural as we could get it set up so it would be ready for when the pain got too much, to which I agreed as I knew it was going to be a long day and I needed to get some rest. Then she put in my canular and broke my waters, there was only a little bit as baby’s head was pressed right up against my cervix, so it wasn’t as dramatic as I thought it was going to be. Then the anaesthetist came in and set up my epidural which was a weird sensation and after 2 or 3 tries it was finally in and ready to go. The MW then started my drip which was turned up every half hour, I was contracting but wasn’t feeling them and the MW said I must have a high pain threshold. Throughout this time I was continuously monitored, so had to stay on the bed. The MW’s changed at 7 and we got another young midwife who knew her job and was friendly enough but seemed to prefer sitting on her stool than actually paying me any attention unless she had to or there was someone else in the room, then she couldn’t do enough for me lol. I was examined at 8pm and I was 3cm and the drip was turned up again. I was given gas and air alongside my epiduralm which I thought was useless at 1st but after a while I worked out to take deeper breaths, then I wouldn’t let it go. My contractions became stronger and more intense very fast and at one point the drip was turned off as things were happening very fast. The MW had to examine me at 10.30 as I needed a catheter as my bladder was full but due to the epidural I couldn’t raise myself up on the bed pan let alone get up to go the toilet. She said she shouldn’t be telling me this but I was nearly there and I was 8cms. But the baby’s HB kept dropping with each contraction and going to the base rate, so after consulting with a higher MW, a clip was put on baby’s head, which sounded like a woodpecker trying to peck its way out. After this things started to go so fast, the pressure I was feeling in my lower back was horrendous and I was so uncomfortable even with my epidural being topped up every half an hour. I was then more comfortable and able to laugh and chat with Steve and my mum.

I was examined again at 11.30 and I was fully dilated. The MW said she was going to leave me for an hour and let gravity take its course and she switched off the drip and topped up my epidural and left me to it. She came back telling me I needed to have some Lucozade or something sugary as my bloods had come back and they were saying my body was tired and I would need energy to push soon. The pressure in my back was so intense I was crying saying I couldn’t do it anymore and that I was so tired. The MW then said I could push whenever I felt a contraction but I couldn’t feel them due to the epidural so I had to put my hand on my tummy to feel one. I was so tired I had no strength whatsoever and was crying to my boyfriend that I couldn’t do it, he and my mum were amazing telling me I could do it and I needed to.

A doctor and the senior MW then came back in the room, they were worried about the time it was taking me to push and worried about the baby’s heartbeat, baby was getting tired and we needed her out asap. The doctor offered me an epiostomy and forceps delivery to get baby out fast and said I had 45 minutes left of pushing then they were going to have to do it. They then put my legs in the stirrups which was good as it gave my legs something to push onto. Steve said it was up to me what I wanted to do but that I could do it, with Steve’s and my mums encouragement I managed to push baby, I felt her crowning and then a good few pushes later she was out so fast, her body came out as soon as her head did and all’s I felt was a slippery fast motion. She was given to me straightaway and Steve was able to cut her cord. I couldn’t believe I’d done it and that I had a baby girl at 2.16am. I cried and cried I was so happy, Steve and my mum shed some tears as well. Then I was examined by the MW who gave me the injection for my placenta which came out within a couple of minutes and then told me I’d have to go into theatre but then the doctor came back and had a look and decided I didn’t need to, I had a 2nd degree tear, he stitched me up whilst I had skin to skin with baby.

We had time with baby then she was taken off to be weighed, a healthy 7lb 14ozand then given to daddy whilst I was taken for a shower. We were then taken up to the post natal ward about 5.45am after tea and toast and daddy went home and I was left to stare at our amazing creation.
well done......was this your first baby hon? xx
cool..well she is lovely snd i'm sure she was worth every second :) xxxx
Congrats, lovely name and I love a detailed story.
Congratulations, sounds like your Mum and OH were great support too :)

Massive congratulations!! She's gorgeous!!


Thanks for sharing your story.

Thanks ladies :) xx I can't believe its been over a week already xx
Thanks for writing all that up, very interesting and congratulations!

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