Olivia Louise 30th August


Well-Known Member
Aug 30, 2006
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Hiya I thought this day would never come it certainly seemed a long way off back in December last year when I first found out I was pregnant. :D but all good things come to those who wait and I had to wait 12 extra days but every second and every pain and twinge was so well worth it. So here goes with the fun and games of Olivia’s entrance into the world hope it's not too long.

I’d seen the midwife on the Saturday previous and although I was seven days overdue the baby still wasn’t engaged and the midwife was unable to do a proper sweep. So she booked me in for an induction on Tuesday 28th August. We arrived at the hospital bright and early for my induction. I was 10 days overdue only to be told they might not be able to induce me as they normally don’t do inductions until 12 days overdue I was gutted and thought please don’t send me home I was really suffering with SPD and another 2 days seemed like a lifetime. But luckily they agreed to go ahead with the induction.

10am midwife did an internal and said the head was well down and I was favourable so did a sweep and inserted the pessary not the most pleasant experience but worse was to come (little did I know) I was put on the monitor and told to relax for an hour then I was advised to get up and go for a walk for a bit. I started to get some slight pains about 2pm they were more like period pains rather than contractions but I was hopeful that I was on my way. The contractions started to kick in after a while and so I started using the tens machine and was hooked up to the monitor again for about an hour to see what was happening. They could see on the monitor that I was having contractions but when she checked me I still hadn’t dilated. Normally they would give a second pessary after 6 hrs but as I was having contractions they decided against it, I was quite pleased at this stage as it was painful having the first pessary inserted. Unfortunately the contractions started to die off about 8 or 9pm so Neil went home and the midwife gave me some sleeping tablets and said she would check me again in the morning.

Wednesday 29th August the contractions hadn’t started up again and when the midwife checked me at 7am I still hadn’t dilated so she gave me another sweep this was about the 4th internal and sweep I’d had and it was getting a bit sore down below. They also decided to give me another pessary and put me back on the monitor for about an hour the contractions started up again so when Neil arrived I put the tens machine back on and got some paracetamol tablets to take the edge off. It’s amazing how effective 2 paracetamol are when you haven’t taken any pain killers for 9 months. The morning wore on into afternoon and the contractions were getting stronger so they gave me a birthing ball which really helped but by 4pm I was in a lot of pain and needed some pain relief. The midwife checked me and yippee I was 2cm so they transferred me down to the delivery suit. Now the fun begins. The midwife in delivery was really lovely she sorted me out with gas and air (heaven definitely recommend it) and morphine. She then had to break my waters I have to be honest and say it was the most painful thing ever even worse than the pessarys and oh my god the amount of water that came out it was unbelievable. We were hopeful that this would get me dilating faster but when they checked me I was still only 2cm dilated. I was constantly hooked up to the monitors and could see and feel the contractions they were very regular and painful but didn’t seem to be doing much good. At about 3am I was only 4 cm dilated they decided to give me syntocyn to try and strengthen the contractions they also gave me an epidural at this stage and this was heaven I was absolutely knackered by now and the relief was practically instant and fantastic there was just no pain. Every half hr they uped the syntocyn and checked me again at 5am I was still only 4cm dilated I was absolutely gutted. The epidural was wearing off and I was getting pains again so they gave me a top-up and called the registrar to decide what to do but he couldn’t actually make a decision so the consultant was called they decided to up the syntocyn to the max and see what would happen. They then let me go until 8:30am I had managed to get to 6cm but the consultant felt I’d been through enough and after feeling around the baby he said she was actually facing up rather than down which was part of the reason why I wasn’t dilating very well he thought there was no way I would be able to push her out wish he’s thought this at 4pm on Wednesday afternoon but heyho. So finally the decision was made to go in through the sunroof and do a c-section. I was amazed by how quick everything moved after that. They gave me another top-up of epidural and had me on the table within half an hour. Olivia was delivered at 9:17 weighing in at 7lb 13.5oz and taken over to the side to be checked over and weighed, Neil got to tell me if we’d had a boy or girl and he also got to trim the cord. She was covered in vernex so the theatre staff were a bit surprised when I told them that she was actually 12 days late. She was absolutely gorgeous.

It’s now 2 weeks later and what a fortnight. It’s been really busy we’ve had a few problems with breastfeeding but hopefully that’s sorted out now she lost a little bit too much weight so we’ve started giving her a formula feed at bedtime and that seems to have done the trick her weight was up today when I saw the health visitor so I am really pleased. The pain of the contractions is a very distant memory,

Sorry I’ve not been online but I honestly don’t know what I spent my days doing before she was born.

our little princess at minutes old

and our princess at ten days old
congratulations, she is beautiful! Glad they were nice to you, thats the unit i am training in :wink:
many congratulations......... what a gorgeous baby you have :dance: :dance:
She's beautiful Smurf - hope you are recovering well.

Lots of love

Valentine xxx
Congratulations on your little bundle - she was born the same day as my nephew, 6 hours later but weighed the same!
awwwwwwwww shes a little stunner and so content too :hug: :hug:

:cheer: :cheer: CONGRATULATIONS :cheer: :cheer:
Woo hi smurf :wave:

Can't believe your birth story... ow... but glad everything worked out ok in the end and it's SO worth it all when you've got your little baby :) I was 12 days over too :)

All the best to you all :hug: xx
Congratulations!!! :cheer:

Quite a labour! I hope you're recovering well.
She's a gorgeous wee girl :D
Aw thanks everyone I still can't belive she's here

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