ok.. what's happening!?


New Member
Nov 13, 2009
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Hello, I am new to this site.

This is going to be a pretty long question, but I am hoping someone could help me, maybe you have had the same happen?!..
OK so here is goes:

Last period : 25th August
Cervix : High, soft like lips and closed from 1st Oct - now!! (not changed)
Slight pink smear on clear discharge when wiping : 08th October
Breasts on and of heavy and sore nipple not constant though, worse on waking up for over a month gone up a cup size
Nausea and Vommiting : over a month - worn off now
Dizzy : for over a month now and lightheaded
Past couple weeks I have noticed blue veins on my breasts and slight little red ones close to surface
Runny nose for like a month and a half! - no cold or flu though.
LOTS of discharge - very clear and stretchy over past 2 weeks past few days has been more white and slight stretch to it - lotiony feel..
little twinges in lower abdoman (uterus) - slight ache feel over right ovarie lasted about 20 seconds - lower abdoman feels like it is harder and a raised bump above pelvis slight achey(not like cramps) feeling on and off.
Bad skin - my skin is usually clear i've started havin little spots like you get before af arrives but these have lasted for over a month!
Pregnancy dreams of positive test and pregnancy
Urine is slightly cloudy and smells a bit sweet?
Emotional - crying one minute, happy the next, angry!
Really bad migraines
Sleep all over the place, waking up in the night alot.

Negative test 2.5 weeks ago. . 1st inconclusive

I'm really confused. Did anyone else have these symptoms when pg and get a neg? maybe you had these and it was something else?

i'm 24 years old. in a steady long relationship

m/c 3 years ago at 9.5 weeks.

I know if I were pg my uterus shouldn't be above pelvis yet at 9 - 10 weeks.
But as this would be 2nd pg would it show now?

Sorry for long post!! please help me!!!
:wave: Firstly welcome to the pregnancyforum.co.uk :)

That reads like a list of pregnancy symptoms to me. All classics and many I recognise from my own days TTC.

When was the last time you tested?
:wave: Firstly welcome to the pregnancyforum.co.uk :)

That reads like a list of pregnancy symptoms to me. All classics and many I recognise from my own days TTC.

When was the last time you tested?

Hello thank you for replying.
Well I tested about 2.5 weeks ago in the evening! ( I know I should have used the 1st urine of the day! but I couldn't wait! )
The 1st test was inconclusive so about an hour later I did another one which was Negative .. no faint pos line at all.. :(

I haven't done one since then..
but I have noticed that there is a roundish bump just above my pelvic bone now which I can feel when I am sitting or standin up!! unless i'm just going mad!
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One word......:test:

I'd get to the supermarket now.....if you are it would show by now is my guess :D
:yay: All looking good to me :)

I agree with Merv's mum :test:

My cousin for the last 2 of her pregnancies has never got a positive pregnancy test until 5-6 months :shock:

If you re-test (which you really must do) and get a negative, go to your dr and get a blood test done as you may be one of those people who may never get a positive urine test :)

Welcome to Pregnancy Forum :D
its all sounding good!
get testing and tell us the news! so exciting xx
:wave: Welcome to pregnancy forum. It definitely sounds like you could be pregnant - and you could just be bloated, which makes it look like you're starting to show before your uterus does come up above your pelvis. Go out and get a test now! :lol:
thank you for all of your replies! I haven't tested again yet as I had a tiny ammount of pink blood (like a streak in discharge the same as I experienced in early october) when I wiped yesterday (no more since ) I though maybe it was AF.. but there has been no more since?! What could this be.. If I were pg I think i'd be about 10 weeks..
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If you were pregnant it wouldnt be out of the ordinary to have some spotting. Could be the start of AF though too.....you really need to test.
Definately test!
If it still comes up negative then get a blood test done :)

Good luck!
And let us know....:p
Hello everyone, I thought I would write and just let you know what happened.
I got my period on 17th November - I have just finished!

I have been to doctors and scan and blood tests show pcos..
so I think this is what has affected my periods..

The doctor said that as long as I am still having periods per year - although less so I have about 4 a year then I don't need any meds at the moment, I have been informed to lose weight and when I am ready to ttc I can look at medication then. I am hoping the weight loss will help.

So I think most of these symptoms were in my head!! Crazy really!!
ohhh how exciting test test test!!! Please come back and let us know!

C x

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