ok this is taking the p now..


Well-Known Member
Jul 10, 2007
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i can't take this anymore!! :evil:

this is the 3rd night in a row i have had disturbed sleep, i could understand if i was in pain, uncomfy or baby was keeping me up but its none of the above!!!

I always wake up about the same time aswell, i thought it was because i was sleeping on the floor in our guest room, but since moving back into my room nothing has changed...

Is anyone else getting interupted sleep? My head is banging now and im sure its cause im not sleeping properly, i wouldnt even mind if i was getting up to a screaming baby but im not this is so annoying :cry: :cry:
I know im not meant to be in here, but its pissing me off to. Waking up at 3:15am and then tossing and turning for hours. Im like a bloody zombie
i keep waking up at 3 its so annoying as if we r not tired enough already!!!!!!!!!!!!! im so grouchy at the mo :evil:
yep!! :( me too!!

sometimes i wake up randomly, or its usually the need to get to the toilet ASAP that wakes me up lol! :shock:

usually the wee early hours too!!

babies....................us ladies are all tired :sleep: give us a wee break!!! lol xxxxxxxxxxxx
I always wake up at 5am on the dot.

I guess it's your bodies way of getting you ready for the sleep deprivation that comes with having a newborn

me too. At least three trips to the toilet each night and then at about 3.30 each night I find my self wide awake (usually worrying about work stuff). By the time I get back to sleep I am too tired to get up on time. I also think it is the bodies why of preparing you for having to wake throughout the night.
I wake up too - usually around 5 to go to the toilet - my back is giving me more problems than my sleep!! Its hurting me sooo bad :wall:
:hug: :hug: :hug: I know how you feel,
I'm up at least 7 times during the night for the toilet, everytime i turn over i want to scream in pain and normally all i can think about doind at 3am is ironing or planning breakfast........ oh the joys of pregnancy.
I am not a good sleeper anyway so am kind of used to restless night but do seem to be having a lot lately I really struggle to get up and to get going in the mornings but at least its nearly the weekend! :cheer:
I've been suffering from this too. Even OH breathing has started to annoy me, I wish he would just breathe silently :wall:
i wake up about 4 times every night, i thought it was normal and to be expected? lol :think:
It's even worse when you've got a screaming baby who won't sleep :lol: I wake up about 3 times in the night at the moment, it's head doing but I'm just resting loads during the day now :D
Oh yes wake up at 2, 4 ,and 6 to wee then everytime i turn over i screech due to my SPD so will be well used to be an insomniac by the time she arrives!
Oh yes wake up at 2, 4 ,and 6 to wee then everytime i turn over i screech due to my SPD so will be well used to being an insomniac by the time she arrives!

This is all coming from a woman who could not survive without at least 8 hours sleep before she got pregnant :rotfl:
Assuming i actually get to sleep before 1 i'm up around then, then again before 3, usually around half 4 (when the birds start-up) then 6 or 7 and then 9, if im lucky i'll manage to get back to sleep after 9 but it feels like im in bed for ages yet when i get up its not even 11.

I wake up desperate for the toilet but hardly anything comes out and i need to go pretty much all the time! I sleep so lightly that i have to use ear plugs as the birds or rain or wind keeps me up, it's silly, even with one ear plug in my mum opening the door will wake me atm!

With D-day being so close i'm wishing she was the reason i was waking but she's not and its frustrating
Wow! thanks for the whole the replies didnt realise there was a serious zombie party going on it in here..

Feel like a bag of shit tied in the middle today im so grateful im off work but would kill for a nice long sleep from start to finish...

I hope everyone else has a better night, the thing i dnt get though is when i gets late i feel so tired, sleep for a couple of hours and then wake up i mean whats the deal???

:bored: :bored: :sleep:
Can I join the rubbish sleepers gang? :x

I have to try and go for a wee in the night in a daze or I will wake up properly and then not be able to get back to sleep. Also my stupid pelvis is so achy, I wake up OH when I turn over because of my moans :(

Am so glad I am off work so I can nap during the afternoons :D
all i can say is that in my current experience it gets a lot worse!!!!! i dont get to sleep till about 2am, then up at 7am, then back to bed at 10am!!!!

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