I've got myself in to a right old mess.
Tom's never been a great sleeper. I put it down to my PND when he was born. It was exaccerbated by him crying so I never let him cry. When I put him to sleep, I would rock him until he was asleep and if he woke, I'd pick him up straight away and so it continued until he was about 6 months when we tried CC.
The Controlled Crying did work but he had a tough first year with illness after illness and there was no way I was going to leave him to cry when he was unwell.
Even when the CC had worked, he would still wake for his dummy so nights were still broken even if it was just to dash in to his room, shove the dummy in and come back out again.
A couple of months ago Tom had a bad run of illnesses...oral thrush then tummy bug then flu'. During that time, I sat with him in his room a lot and also had him in with me or OH would sleep in the spare room with him.
Now he is better, he won't go to sleep in his cot unless one of us sits in there. So, basically, every night I am sitting in his room in the darkness for about 30/40 mins until he goes to sleep. This just can't continue. It is just crazy and I don't know whether it's good for Tom either to be so dependent on me to settle himself to sleep.
He is also waking in the night - any time between about 1am and 5am - and is inconsolable unless one of us sit in there or bring him in to bed.
I am really, really dreading trying Controlled Crying again. I find it so distressing and it makes me feel the way I did when I had the PND again. I KNOW it works, I've tried it BUT it's so hard on me and it seems so hard on Tom.
Now I've recovered from the PND, I feel so guilty for the lack of bond between us when he was tiny that now we have that bond, I don't want to ruin it in any way. I feel so protective over him and love him so much that leaving him to cry just goes against every thing my heart is telling me to do.
Is Controlled Crying the only way? Have any of you been in the same boat????
ANY advice would be great. It's been weeks since any of us had a proper night's sleep and Tom's almost 2.
Is it possible that something other than me not being in his room is waking him in the night? He seems perfectly happy during the day.
HELP!!!! I'm really struggling with this.
Tom's never been a great sleeper. I put it down to my PND when he was born. It was exaccerbated by him crying so I never let him cry. When I put him to sleep, I would rock him until he was asleep and if he woke, I'd pick him up straight away and so it continued until he was about 6 months when we tried CC.
The Controlled Crying did work but he had a tough first year with illness after illness and there was no way I was going to leave him to cry when he was unwell.
Even when the CC had worked, he would still wake for his dummy so nights were still broken even if it was just to dash in to his room, shove the dummy in and come back out again.
A couple of months ago Tom had a bad run of illnesses...oral thrush then tummy bug then flu'. During that time, I sat with him in his room a lot and also had him in with me or OH would sleep in the spare room with him.
Now he is better, he won't go to sleep in his cot unless one of us sits in there. So, basically, every night I am sitting in his room in the darkness for about 30/40 mins until he goes to sleep. This just can't continue. It is just crazy and I don't know whether it's good for Tom either to be so dependent on me to settle himself to sleep.
He is also waking in the night - any time between about 1am and 5am - and is inconsolable unless one of us sit in there or bring him in to bed.
I am really, really dreading trying Controlled Crying again. I find it so distressing and it makes me feel the way I did when I had the PND again. I KNOW it works, I've tried it BUT it's so hard on me and it seems so hard on Tom.
Now I've recovered from the PND, I feel so guilty for the lack of bond between us when he was tiny that now we have that bond, I don't want to ruin it in any way. I feel so protective over him and love him so much that leaving him to cry just goes against every thing my heart is telling me to do.
Is Controlled Crying the only way? Have any of you been in the same boat????
ANY advice would be great. It's been weeks since any of us had a proper night's sleep and Tom's almost 2.
Is it possible that something other than me not being in his room is waking him in the night? He seems perfectly happy during the day.
HELP!!!! I'm really struggling with this.