I need help!


Well-Known Member
Jul 7, 2007
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Recently Sam has been moved into his own room. He seemed fine for the first few nights but in the meantime he has been poorly with Bronchiolitis and has had trouble sleeping.

Now, I can't get him to settle at night, he was in a great routine before being moved and being poorly. He used to sleep from 6.30pm til 6.30am he even used to go down no messing.

Now I am having massive battles every night :( even if he is asleep once he knows i'm not there he screams, he'll settle if you go back and lay him down but the second he hears the floorboard creak he's crying again. I have tried staying with him until he's gone over, i have tried CC going to him every 10 mins (on Friday night after 2 hours he was still going :( )

I know he has had a big change going into his own room, and he hasn't been well but being back to sleepless nights is really beginning to take it's toll on me.

Any advice anyone? Please.
Not really any advice as such - just wanted to send you some :hug: as I know what you're going through.

Oliver actually slept in his own room from about 7wks - so I didn't have any problems as such at that point, and he was in a lovelly routine for months... But then from the age of about 10months he suddenly started waking in the evening (at around 10pm) and just would NOT settle.

If I was still up - he ended up downstairs with me, snoozing on my lap. Then in my bed with me til morning.

This went on for several months. Then all of a sudden just after Christmas, he started sleeping better again & now doesn't wake til 3 or 5 am and then doesn't always end up in bed with me.

So hopefully that phase is passing now! Hope your's get better again soon. :bored:
im not sure hun maybe cuddle him to sleep in the front room then put him in the cot? then maybe once hes used to sleeping in the room he will settle in there agin easily
have u tried leaving his door open? And also putting him in there for his naps during the day?

Harrison still fusses a little somenights :hug:

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