Ok, enough is enough now


Well-Known Member
Jul 16, 2007
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I want to meet my lil man!!! :D

Everyone is popping babies & im getting soooo excited, I just cant wait any longer. I think ive got to the really fed up stage of pregnancy, time is standing still (almost going backwards) & every little twinge or ache in my body im convincing myself this is it :roll:

Im convinced this lil man is going to make an early enterance but knowing my luck im going to be well overdue :wall:

I want to see what he looks like & have him in my arms, come on!!!!!!! :pray: :pray:
awww, i saw a friend yesterday who has a 3 month old, i had a hold of her (i swear ive never even held a baby before LOL) Anyway she was so good i started looking forward to mine coming, i hadnt got that far in my thinking yet cos til now ive not even known where i'd be to give birth!
Tell me about it... :? I'm totally fed up now! I convinced myself I would be early too...well I'm still sodding well here :evil: The last few weeks of pregnancy are just cruel :( I just ran up and down the stairs a zillion time as I'm desperate to get things moving...all that happened was that I got a backache and nearly passed out with exhaustion :bored: :rotfl:
There are so many of us feeling like this at the mo :hug:

I've been really fed up today too, had a good cry when hubby got in from work :oops:

I also thought that i'd pop early :roll: :roll: Loads of people also said "he'll be a January baby!"...... Yeah right... you all lied :evil: :lol:

I think i'm going to go well over now!

If we feel like this now, what are we going to be like when we're overdue... just like poor Kim :shock:
Full of hope! said:
If we feel like this now, what are we going to be like when we're overdue... just like poor Kim :shock:

Forget it :shakehead: Aint gonna happen...this baby WILL come out soon...gonna go mental otherwise :?
I'm in denial...not going to think about it ( am drinking a carton of fresh pineapple daily though so not in denial that much!!!!!) :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl:
I'm so with you on how you feel Tiggs.... I'm fed up waiting too and just want to meet my little one AND find out whether we're pink or blue :D
Someone told me that babies conceived in the spring arrive early...

THEY LIED! Its just another one of those silly old wives tales! :fib:

Does raspberry leaf tea, hot curry or pineapple really help? Perhaps its just someones cruel idea of a joke to boost sales! :rotfl:

I'm really feeling for the girls who are late and about to be induced - you must be going mad! :wall:
I have been crying too and had a good old moan to my mum this morning. I have had enough no part of my body is functioning properly and looking after a 22 month old is driving me insane.

Come on babies!

Poor kimbo must be so frustrated.....

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