I've had enough now....


Well-Known Member
Jun 26, 2006
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Well I have been having on/off pains and tightenings for about a week now....sometimes they are regular and then they stop...I am now 5 days overdue and I've had enough.....and I swear if one more person says "ooooo haven't you had your baby yet?" :x I will do a budge and go buy a big fat fresh tuna to slap them with...I know these babies come when they are ready but come on....due date been and gone, pains and tightenings - been, gone and then come again and I'm so uncomfortable. I can't sleep because I get the most horrid pains in my hips...I have a trapped nerve in my back and I WANT MY BODY TO GO BACK TO NORMAL.... :x
Anyway just wanted to have a rant, now I'm going to have a scream in the back garden.... :?
5days overdue :shock:

im not surprised ur fed up!!

but if ur havin pains then something must b happening!!

im sure ul have ur LO soon, it jus means ur too nice a home for ur baby to leave!
I'm thinking positive thought for you and hope baby will be on their way soon x
ooooooooo haven't you had that baby yet claire?

**braces self for tuna fish slap**

Oh poor you :hug: I totally understand and sympathise and I'm not even overdue yet. Hope it all starts happening for you soon hun :hug:
aww i understand how you feel i so remember how annying it was being overdue..everyone ringing and saying "have you had it yet" i was like "er yeah i had him in secret and i'm pretending to be overdue..OF COUSE I HAVENT HAD IT...DUH" erm yeah so i was nice and calm..hehe

dont worry bubba will come when ready! :hug: i know its horrible!

I know what you mean about the hip pain when laying down.

Going to bed is already a misery for me.

Here's a list of pains:

hips kill when laying on either side
can't lay on back or weight of baby breaks it
getting out of bed is nearly impossible, let alone just sitting up
soon as I fall asleep, woken from baby kicks or needing to pee
even my knees hurt in the morning!
I get very painful braxton-hicks contractions

Now I'm worried about contractions being real, cuz budge said she dialated without pain with her 3rd pregnancy. Plus I missed my last midwife appointment as I was passed out tired!
hey soozee....I was starting to get a little worried about the contractions as I dilated with my first without any pain at all....when the doc came to do a sweep I was 7cm dilated.. :roll: ..took me straight over to delivery where they broke my waters and induced the contractions. I've been getting pains and tightenings for the past week so hopefully when I get my sweep today I will already be well on my way.....we'll see though, this baby seems to be very stubborn and comfy.....
I know what you mean about the hip pain, I can't believe how painful it is, I just can't wait to have my baby and my body be my own again...sleep on my tummy or on my back.....oh what a treat that will be......hope you start to feel better soon... :hug: :hug:
What? You are going around at 7cm dialated + they induced you and broke your waters? Whats going on with your labour? Why haven't they kept you at hospital? I thought induction means you have your baby! I had my first by inducing, only hours after my waters broke.
i think claire was talking about with her 1st baby not now hun :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl:
Oh thank god! :rotfl:

Wow was I confused, or what? :oops:

My brain is so idiotic these days :rotfl:

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