oh what a mess! I just want to have a scan! UPD: All ok! :)

hi everyone :) Sorry just got to my computer.

The scan went fine. The baby has grown to 2 cm and wriggled while we were watching :) That's the main thing, of course.

Still no idea what causes the bleeding though. I'm getting it almost exactly once a week so far!

The sonographer also sent me to the ward gynaecologist (hope I spelt it right :) ) to check if she could see the cause of the bleeding. They also found nothing. Said if I have a bit of bleeding again I should just ignore it... Easier said than done!

Anyway, I'm very pleased that the bean looks happy (as the sonographer said :) ). Thanks everyone for your support!
Glad everything went well hunny, im so happy for you x x

Glad the bleeding has stopped. Fingers crossed the scan is ok for you. It's awful not knowing what's happening - I bled 2-3 times early on in this pregnancy & it's just a worry (even though I bled when expecting my little boy & all was ok). Every pregnancy is different, so you can't help but worry - but if it's any help I have bled in both pregnancies & have been fine both times. Got everything crossed for you hun x

Sunnyb xxx
Oh im sorry hun that you have been treated this way. Can I ask whereabouts in Hampshire you are? xxx
thanx girls!

Sunnyb, thanks hun, this is reassuring! xx
meggymum, I go to Twyford surgery (and those GPs I spoke to were from there). For my scans I went to Winchester Royal HCC hospital, and I have no complaints about them (apart from the sonographer who never called me back, but she said today that by the time she was free I already got my appointment sorted, and she saw that, so thought there is no point to call. Fair enough!)

what about you? :) xx

I know I could say don't worry but I'm sure you will be worrying regardless as I always find myself doing. I've had cases of severe pains so I tend to avert from my primary GP and go straight to A&E as they are reknown for booking scans in early pregnancy to rule out etopic or m/c. I'm sorry you have a mean Dr, it just worries you even more.

If the pain/bleeding has stopped I'm sure that's a very good sign. Get rested and my prayers are with you to have a successful scan tomorrow. A close friend of mine who is currently expecting went to A&E with cramps/bleeding and they told her to wait almost two weeks for a scan, liberty!! I'm hoping the best for you both.


I know I could say don't worry but I'm sure you will be worrying regardless as I always find myself doing. I've had cases of severe pains so I tend to avert from my primary GP and go straight to A&E as they are reknown for booking scans in early pregnancy to rule out etopic or m/c. I'm sorry you have a mean Dr, it just worries you even more.

If the pain/bleeding has stopped I'm sure that's a very good sign. Get rested and my prayers are with you to have a successful scan tomorrow. A close friend of mine who is currently expecting went to A&E with cramps/bleeding and they told her to wait almost two weeks for a scan, liberty!! I'm hoping the best for you both.


aww thanks hun. Sorry I should have updated my original post. Thanks for your post - it's great to know that sometimes all these scary symptoms do not lead to anything!

so pleased every thing went well xxxxxxxxxx
Thats great news hun, I'm so pleased for you x
what about you? :) xx

I am from Portsmouth way. I was just wondering if I have to look forward to these useless people :) xx

But glad it went well for you in the end hunny xxx

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