Oh the joys . . .


Well-Known Member
Jun 29, 2010
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I know pregnancy is meant to be wonderful, and all in all i do feel very good in myself and stuff, and I definately dont have a lot to moan about compared to some people, but i really cant wait for it to be over.

I am starting to struggle to sleep - mainly because of feeling uncomfortable, and i know its only gonna get worse! Ive been left really tired today.

Constipation has come back quite harshly, and i know how to sort it and stuff, it just seems to come back and its quite painful :(

Heartburn is on another level lately! so gaviscon has become my best friend! haha.

Its a bit of a selfish pathetic rant to be honest, i know its never easy, but i cannot say im one to enjoy all the pregnant stuff.

Feel free to leave ranting posts haha xx
Well for the past 3-4 days my heartburn has been so powerfull and i know belive in the term *Bad heartburn means your baby will have a head full of hair* sleeping at night i need a pillow to support my forever growing bump.

Getting out of the bath has become a problem i have to push myself up now lol

I cant bend down as much now lol
100% agree. The only thing i love about pregnancy is knowing what i'm gonna get at the end of it. :)
I'm getting really uncomfortable too! It's like I've eaten far too much and am going to explode all the time!
my heart burn is ridiculous :(
I'll be very disappointed if bubs doesn't have LOADS of hair
my indegestion and acid reflux are the point where i can;t sleep which is now causing back ache as I can't comfy cause i feel sick all the time. Not good makes me feel like I don't want to eat :0(
im writing this at 0445!! insomnia has kicked in with leg cramps argghh typical at least not at work today/later on. starting to get real badheartburn so may get sharesin gaviscon!! like flexilexi was saying will be well worth it in the endbut is hard going at moment xxx
Hang in there girls, I think as we all get bigger and have tolerated big small problems like this, but they all do addup if you get more than one thing, and then get big tired and uncomfy too.

Because we are all hitting the end of Tri2 , we have been doing it for a long time now, so your bound to feel fed up a bit, hang in there - it's sooo worth it, and even if your maxy tired after baby is here with night feeds etc, your own body will be yours again, and that's the bit I like. (although this time, baby can stay in there as long as he likes (as long as I can give up work mind!), I'm making the most of this pregnanct feeling, as he is my last baby ever and I will miss it after).

Oh and I only ever had heartburn twice this pregnancy and once with one of my other 3 kids, and I have the baldest babies you have ever seen, they stay pretty much bald with blonde bum fluff on there heads for two years (no kidding). So maybee it will be true for all you suffering now, to have lovely flowing locks on your babies.
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thanks jj mum better for having a few xtra hours kip and your words of encoragement xxxx

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