
Well-Known Member
May 21, 2007
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Am having a crisis and need advice please! We have not told anyone we are ttc and dont want to tell anyone til i am around 10 weeks pregnant. The problem is my nan announced last night that she is taking us all on holiday next year in april to florida! I am so happy as will be amazing and my boys will love it - there will be 15 of us going.

But... i dont want to be pregnant when we go so looks like we will have to put off ttc for a year which i really dont want to do. If im pregnant already this month then baby would be due in february so would only be couple months old. Will be devastated if we have to stop next month :( but this holiday means a lot to my nan. What would you do? xx
If i was you i would tell my nan but ask her to keep it to herself as you do not want anyone knowing. this way you nan will not think you just dont want to go on holiday. if you know what i mean?
I think you should continue ttc and not think about the maybes, if's and buts... im sure if you do have bubs number 3 by then you'll work oyut what to do at the time.

You cant put your life on hold babe..

whatever decision you choose, good luck ttc and sending lots of hugs and baby dust :hug:
Thank you for your replies! I definetly want to go on this holiday as is a once in a lifetime oppurtunity so maybe i should just put off ttc for the next couple of mnths as would be unable to travel if was at end of pregnancy. Do you think going to florida with a 6 week old baby would be feasible? xx
Think of it another way - if this holiday was next month and you had a baby 6 weeks old - would you still be going?
princesskel said:
Thank you for your replies! I definetly want to go on this holiday as is a once in a lifetime oppurtunity so maybe i should just put off ttc for the next couple of mnths as would be unable to travel if was at end of pregnancy. Do you think going to florida with a 6 week old baby would be feasible? xx
if im honest i wouldnt take my 6 week old baby to Florida, i mean, the reason you go there is for the theme parks, all the days out, it would be so tiring with a baby and im not sure the baby would enjoy it either, especially with the heat!!!!
flroida in april is gorgous ( just been myself) and their was indeed a couple of newborns on our fight . in the theme parks u can do child swop , it means u cant go on the ride together but u dont have to que up twice as u que together then one goes on and then swop .

how likely is it you will fall straight away ?
Your right its not likely i will be pregnant this month but with both my boys i fell the month after the pill so need to be prepared! If not we will have to stop ttc i suppose! Am just dissapointed that we finally decide to start ttc and this happens!! Maybe its a sign?
What if you put off TTC till October so you know you won't be more than 6 months pregnant at the time of the holiday? Then it won't seem too long too wait. It would be a shame to
miss a once in a lifetime opportunity when TTC has more flexibility
i wouldnt recomend taking a baby to florida, it is much much too hot and you wouldnt really be able to enjoy it properly, personally i would do as someone suggested, tell ur nan, maybe there is some flexibility with the hol :pray:
Honestly I'd carry on TTC as normal, some people take a month to concieve others years and that might be down to chances, stress, circumstances etc. You will have to inform the airline/accommodation (in time) that you now are adding an infant to the party that's going as by law they need to be signed in to the flight like you and I and accounted for with passports - although the flight/accommodation is free for them you have to pay the necessary taxes, to FL that's the flight taxes only and usually amounts to no more than £30. We have booked our next holiday, were off to India with the baby and if we can manage somewhere as 'backward/slow' as it is out there you'll be fine in FL....be prepared, pack well and you'll be fine with a LO on holiday, thousands of people do it, you'll also be offered the additional leg room seats on the flight too to accommodate you a little better (or book an upgrade nearer departure time if needed, usually around £150 per person per way depending on who you'll be flying with). Florida caters for children, you'll find nappies (diapers!) and wipes, baby foods and creams, lotions, medications etc out there just as easily as you would in the UK so you wouldn't have to pack thousands of nappies etc and there cheaper out there too.

Accept your Nan's wonderful offer, don't think about it. TTC like normal and see what happens. Just bear in mind for flight to the states they won't accept you on board the flight if you'll be 28 weeks by your return date, so going at 16 weeks is fine for a fortnight, going at 26 weeks for a fortnight they won't take you. Each airline differs, most want a medical note from the GP to accept you after 20 weeks.

Take out travel insurance (make sure it covers you if you need to cancel due to pregnancy due dates etc) and don't even think about it. Who knows, you might even concieve while your out there!! :D

:hug: :hug:
Life is for living and carry on ttc, it can be done taking a small baby out for the day and making sure here comfortable and well fed etc. Just do lots of pit stops and people with you will understand! :D
I wouldn't think travelling with an infant is a problem ( i used to work in a travel agent and many people have done it before)
As for the heat, don't see how that would be an issue, many people live with babies in hotter climates, you'll be fine, they'll have facilities to accomodate for the heat.

The one thing to keep in mind though is, You will need to get the baby a passport. It's now mandatory(and especially travelling to the US) for EVERYONE, not matter how young, to have a passport of their own. I think the child one only lasts for something like 5 years, which is silly because when you get it when they're infants, they look nothing like their photo's even a month or so after it's been taken. So it doesn't really achieve much i personally think, but they cannot travel without their own passport.

Personally i'd just keep trying. I was in the same boat as far as i didn't want to get pregnant so that the due date was too close to my mum's wedding. But like i've said to my mum, nothing is guarenteed when TTC so i'm just going to keep going as we have done for the past two months and see what happens! Hopefully i'll get pregnant and we'll have two things to celebrate! If not, no hassle. :)

Enjoy your time TTC and don't worry about the holiday too much! It'll happen when it's supposed to! I don't think the holiday's a sign at all, i think you'll get pregnant when it's time to. :)
Have a quiet talk with your nan, she may be more flexible with the holiday too :D no one has to know what you're doing.

Whatever happens and whatever you dcide to do i wish you all the best

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