Decided to WTT ...


Well-Known Member
Dec 8, 2009
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Well ladies, OH and i have decided to put TTC on hold until later in the year. :cry:

Last year we booked a 3 week holiday in Orlando Florida for this year, and we were willing to cancel it if we conceived. We have had a long chat and decided we will go on holiday and start TTC while we are there and after we come back. We have not been on holiday since end of 2009, when we conceived our LO.

Dont know what im going to do with my days if im not trying to work out when im OV.

:dust:for everyone who needs it, and hope there are alot of :bfp: when i come back. I will pop in and out to see how everyone is getting on.
Have a fabulous, relaxing hol. Hopefully it will be just what you need for your next BFP! Good luck xxx
Hope you have a fantastic hol and hopefully you will get your bfp whilst away!!

Michelle. x
Have a great time and im sure it will be no time at all when you will be TTC again, FX it will happen while you are lovely would that be! :) x
Have a great holiday ans hopefully see back here real soon!

Will you be off to Disney as well?

Have a great holiday, furryheart! It should also give you a nice break from all the stress associated with TTC. xx
Thanks Ladies...Yes we are going for 3 weeks and defo going to all the Disney parks.

We were willing to cancel if we got pregnant but after a few months of nothing( i know there are alot of you ladies been trying for alot longer :hugs:) we decided to stop trying and just look forward to our holiday and also we have just decided to get married while we are there. So need to lose weight so i can look slimmer in my wedding dress. Cant wait!!

Also the countdown has started for us to start TTC while we are there. :whistle:
awww Congratulations on your forthcoming nuptials! LOL that's brilliant! xxx
Thanks Ladies...Yes we are going for 3 weeks and defo going to all the Disney parks.

We were willing to cancel if we got pregnant but after a few months of nothing( i know there are alot of you ladies been trying for alot longer :hugs:) we decided to stop trying and just look forward to our holiday and also we have just decided to get married while we are there. So need to lose weight so i can look slimmer in my wedding dress. Cant wait!!

Also the countdown has started for us to start TTC while we are there. :whistle:

Wow hun, you have plenty to keep you busy whilst you are waiting to come back to TTC!

Best of luck with it all


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