Oh no... she walks...


Well-Known Member
May 29, 2007
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Lil miss took her first steps today :dance: :dance: :dance: If she thinks you are holding on to her, she will take a couple of unaided steps.. the second she realises she isn't being held she sits down... but she walked between me and DH...Considering she only just went from sitting to commando crawling mid September... she just decided she was going to walk... :lol:
Hoorah for lil Miss! :cheer: :cheer: :cheer: Oh dear Squig, now you reeeeaally have your work cut out for you!!!


I honestly didn't think she'd be this quick... but she has dropped loads of words...seems she gave talking a rest to concentrate on walking... but wants to talk so much she decided she'd better walk quick.. I hope the fustration tantrums will get better now, the more confident and skilled in walking she becomes... :pray:
:clap: well done lil miss. My LO started at the same ago as Serena with a few steps between things and sitting down when she realised she was stood unaided. After two weeks of practising like crazy she was off at 10 months. I think lil miss will be off on her own soon too....she has to catch the cat :)
go lil miss!! :cheer:
She needs to have a word with her future warlord husband else she'll be carrying him around when they're married :lol:
Squiglet said:
Tia was 8 months, she seemed determined from birth to be on her feet, but to be brutally honest I very much doubt lil miss will be walking before 15 months. :think: Its just not on her priority list right now :rotfl: She's doing "other" things right now...

:rotfl: :rotfl:
newmum said:
Squiglet said:
Tia was 8 months, she seemed determined from birth to be on her feet, but to be brutally honest I very much doubt lil miss will be walking before 15 months. :think: Its just not on her priority list right now :rotfl: She's doing "other" things right now...

:rotfl: :rotfl:
:rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl: How wrong was I :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl: She only learnt to walk to spite me... she does it when I say she sleeps well/bad at night too.. does the opposite...
aww bless but sad too as they grow so quick! Hayley walked at 10 mths for me.

Clever lil miss.
Shes a super baby squig, my neice walked alone at 9 mnoths also. Lil miss can join the super babies club :)

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