Oh my goodness!!!!!!!


Well-Known Member
Apr 24, 2006
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how uncomfortable!! My back is killing me and i think the baby is moving around alot more now. I think my LO is laying with his head on the left side now coz i have a little bump on that side now:) and my bladder tis taking a gud beating lol,
LMAO!! you talk as if you are 30 weeks not 20. The baby is only about 6 inches long :shock:

are you sure you're not further along thatn you think littlelady :?:
no im not but it could just be my sunday lunch poking trough though i guess, i am just really uncomfy thats all:)
how big is 6.5 inches in centermetres??? i am not that good at maths.

its too early yet to have a head poking up lol - more like a yorkshire pdding sticking through :lol:
If you feel like that now, wait till you get more into your pregnancy!

yeah i bet ur right, thing is my pregnancy book says at 22 weeks the baby will be bout 27 cms???
says that our babys should be about 25cms now, wow that is pretty big:) lol
a 20 week old fetus is usually no more than 6 inches long from crown the rump little lady.
If your baby is 25 cm you are to expect a giant at birth :lol:
it must mean from its head to its feet then i guess, i thought it was a little big?? i dont know :think:
I have also read on many websites that at 20 weeks the baby is about 25 cm and others say 6 and a half inches long which is 16.5 cm, everyone is different so therefore every baby is different, and also not every pregnancy book or website is correct. I also get it where my baby is lying on one side sometimes as its more apparent when i feel my tummy.
have u got ne pics hun u sound really big :oops: no affence intended! honest at 20 weeks i didnt even have a bump just so flab lol
my bump is quite big now but i am not able to put a piccy up:(
Who me or littlelady87?

Sometimes i feel huge but i dont think i look it to be honest, well pregnancy wise anyway have a bit of flab lol, but can honestly say i felt my baby move around mid 14 weeks but told everyone it was over 15 weeks as i thought they would think im imagining it, and i know there are people on here that are about as far gone as i am and they feel/see things i havent yet, my point is like ive already said everyone is different, i think it depends on your body build, obviously how big your bump is and also how big you were before you were pregnant i.e thin or bigger

I just feel that people are implying that littlelady87 is imagining what she is feeling due to how far gone she is, i can honestly say that when my baby is lying on one side i know, i dont know if this is because he very close to my skin when in doing so.

lol look at me rambling on, this probably makes no sense what so ever, please take into account i am very tired due to an early morning when you read this, so if none of it makes any sense you know why lol

sorry if this sounds harsh to anyone in particular as that isnt my intention
i dont know whether it is the baby or just my dinner popping through it is just that i feel alot more uncomfortable on my left side, as if the baby is laying there, like i say i am not experienced in pregnancy so i feel a little silly now:) lol oh well
Sorry if i have made you feel a bit silly :oops: , im not experienced in pregnancy either but after reading up and learning from others you get to know more about it, this forum has helped me learn alot but sometimes i feel people can be judgemental and make you feel very small and silly for even suggesting such a thing, but i was just stating that i have had exactly the same as you so dont worry it may not have been just your dinner poking through. :)

I am sorry, sometimes i do overreact at the smallest things :oops:

Sorry again,

Mica and Bump
that is quite ok, i appreciate your support alot i just have loads of questions that i want to ask and some of them do seem a bit silly to me, its like i was just using my doppler, and can you hear your own hart beat as well as the babys coz i haeard my babys heart beat and then i alittle futher on i heard another one that was not quite so fast, i am going to make a post about this and ask coz i am confused:)
Oh bless ya :) well ive replied to your post about the heartbeat, as i said on there my nan has one for her heartbeat and also when i use mine sometimes i move it around and listen lol :oops: feel silly saying that but oh well, lol
i have done that too so it doesnt sound silly:) nothing wrong with testing stuff eh :shock: sorry that sounded quite rude :oops:

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