Skin pulling


Well-Known Member
Dec 15, 2009
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So now instead of growing nicely along I've got this feeling that down my sides it's pulling!! The skin is v v tight. Gotta start slapping on the oils and creams!!

Anyone else got that?! Also when laying on side it's uncomfortable due to the tightness of the skin?! X c
Get lotioning yourself up!!

Mine was never around the sides, but towards the end, the bit inbetween my boobs and bump was soooo tight, it was horrible :(
Thanks hun popped cream on and oil feels abit better!!! I do remember the bit between your boobs feeling!! Cor lol xxx x x
Smess, wow your 22 weeks already !!! where did that go from 12 weeks - it feels like it's flown by!

Stuff a extra pillow under bump at bedtime, will help the pulling feeling, and yes slap on the creams.

I always used palmers cocccbutter with my other 3 kids, and still got stretch marks, not very bad tho, and my mum and sister got them too, so think you gonna get them if you are.

But I got sent some free cream , so tried this , this time insteaf - called Aveno (you can get it in boots, slightly more expensive, and in the sensistive/excema range, used to more instensive one). And i would now swear by it , my skin doesn;t like oily stuff , and this rubs in nicely.

I always get stretch marks in the last 6-8 weeks, and I am 37 weeks in 2 days time and still no new ones or old ones getting higher up or bigger (as far as I can see!!).

Good luck and get creaming Hun X (Bump pics please!!)
Hello Jj I know it's flying by lol!!! I'll put on a bump pic in a sec :)
Thanks for cream advice I'll look that one up!:) how are you my lovely! X x x

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