

Well-Known Member
Nov 8, 2007
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:cheer: :cheer: :cheer: :cheer: :cheer: :cheer: :cheer:

Some of you may already know this but I had just started my first cycle using the Clearblue Fertility Monitor and was getting really downhearted with it as i got to day 27 and still hadn't seen my peak (ovulation). It just said High from day 9 right through.

The machine must have missed my surge and thank god i listened more to the signs my body was giving (EWCM) and BD'd like maaaaad lol

My first symptoms were on sunday i had that metal taste in my mouth from waking up, i felt really sickly all day and my boobs were sore. I kept thinking it was all in my head and i would be hugely dissapointed. Also i had tested last Friday as was OH's birthday and thought that would be a great surprise but got BFN only 5 days later and BFP :cheer:

I am so happy i keep bursting into tears.

Thank you to everyone who gave advice and listened to me over the past months. I don't know what i'd do without this place and you girls. :hug:

Wow that pics a bit big. sorry i dont know how to make it smaller :rotfl:
Aww amazing!! Congratulations glittergirl! :cheer: :dance:
awwww wow!!! Congrats hun - hope you have a great happy and healthy 9mths!
That's a strong line! Congrats, I am soooo happy for you! I hope you have a great pregnancy! :cheer: :cheer: :cheer: :dance: :dance: :dance:
:dance: :dance: :dance: congratulations...there's no doubting that's a bfp

come and joinus in 1st tri

wow, that's so amazing, it feels like were only discussing the pitfalls of your CBFM yesterday! congrats hun :cheer:
awww hun thats a fab test congratulations hope you have a happy healthy pregnancy xxxxxxxx
Big congrats.... bloody monitor was a bit of a let down though!!! lol :hug:
fein _but_waiting! said:
wow, that's so amazing, it feels like were only discussing the pitfalls of your CBFM yesterday! congrats hun :cheer:

I know, i just looked back on my posts to see when it was that i posted about this and it was 4th March. I was unknowingly into my 2 ww :rotfl:
I was so teary that day and felt right sorry for myself. Another symptom perhaps :D
Thats a really dark line you have there.

Thank you girls for all your messages of congratulations. I'm still stunned, cant quite believe it.

Hope you all get your BFP's soon and come join me. :pray: :pray:

fantastic! :cheer:

The CBEFM instructions do warn you that the first cycle may not detect a peak - because it adapts to the user and measures two hormones, it works out peak based on the ratio of LH to oestrogen. So if you produce more oestrogen/less LH than ave, or if you have a slow LH surge, it may not pick up the surge on the first cycle - but it 'learns' for the next cycle. Not that you'll care about that any more!

I'm not sure whether it's good luck or bad luck that you got your BFP on the first cycle! :doh: :lol:

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