Oh My God!!!


Well-Known Member
Jun 21, 2007
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I have the worst morning sickness ever :(

I'm only 6 weeks pregnant but its really bad. I'm not actually being sick but the only thing that seems to ease the feeling is to try to make myself sick....

Is this harmful to the baby? :think: :|

does anyone have any tips of how to get rid of it or ease it off a little?

Am not too sure that making yourself sick is a good idea. Ginger is good for morning sickness, try it in tea or biscuits. Eat some dry crackers or a ginger biscuit before even getting out of bed. Also as hard as it sounds try to eat little and often.

Some people use the travel sickness bands which you can get from Boots. they use acupressure to help with the nausea.

Hope you feel better soon :hug:
Oh Hun, poor you! :hug:

I know exactly how you feel. I have had this for a few weeks. It got so bad my doctor was going to admit me to hospital as I was so dehydrated. I'm now taking a tablet 3 times a day just so that I can keep something down.

Try going to see your doc, there might be something they can do.

Good Luck
Hope you feel better soon babes.xx I used the travel sickness bands. I cannot say if they really worked for me, but I never took them off just incase. xx
Dont make yourself sick, its not good for you or the baby, anbd you will dehydratew alot.Gte lots of rest and try to eat and drink normally
dont make yourself sick honey.. its not good for you or baby..

i also tried everything to quell mine and have just discovered lollies.. the boiled sweet types haribo do a sugar free one and they are working a treat..
take it easy, eat what you can but please don't make yourself sick... :hug:
I find that my sickness is worse if I get hungry or have gone sometime without food. I have also tried travel sickness bands, ginger biscuits, ginger capsules, Ginger tea....well I think I have covered all the so called good things to stop the sickness, and well nothing has worked.

There is a school of thought that morning (noon and night) sickness is related to a drop in the glucose levels in your blood which is the babys food until the placenta takes over and is why the sickness is more associated with mornings. I eat sunflower seeds, still in their cases which I crack open. The salty taste and having something small and full of energy on my stomach seems to ease off the sickness. Also drinking vast quantities of water seems to also help, but it has to be cold water.

I am in week 9/10 now and the sickness has gotten much better than when I was in weeks 6/7/8,. I really sympathise as these are the worst times. :hug: :hug: :hug:
Yes nausea really sucks!!!

I have just started taking Vitamin B6 (10mg per day). I only take that at folic acid as I don't like the look of the thousands of ingrediants in stuff like pregnacare! There is some evidence that vitamin B6 helps with the sickness and also helps prevent getting bad teeth while you are preggers!!!

So far (touch wood) my sickness does seem a lot better so give it a try!
I havent had much sickness so cant help but wanted to give you a hug :hug:

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