OH & MIL driving me mad!


Well-Known Member
Dec 22, 2010
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So, we're in the Isle of Man and MIL is in Manchester. TBH, we don't get over as much as we should but that being said, she never comes to visit us either. She only has herself to worry about, whereas I have to pay for my car so I can bring everything we need. I swear she thinks we're loaded, which really isn't the case and that drives me nuts.

OH doesn't really like talking to her, which I know, is reeeeally bad. At the end of the day, that is his Mum. Try telling him that! In his defence, she is like something out of Shameless and the most monotone, depressing person ever. She lives in the past and is always moaning at him about something he's not done right. She moans about not seeing Leia, which is fair enough but she never visits either! I would rather (for both their sakes) that she bought less Christmas presents for Leia and paid to come over on the boat instead.

She constantly calls me, day and night. Sorry, but I have nothing to say after the hour and half we spoke on the phone yesterday! Plus, she isn't MY mother and I'm sick of being lectured at.

Am I being a total b*tch??
No just ignore the phone now and then or tell her it's a bad time u have just ran a bath or the ironing or shower ect ect ... Sounds like some space is needed xxx
God that would drive me loopy! I wouldn't bother answering! Sounds very dull and like you say, she's not your flaming mother. What does she want every day?! X
Change your number! Lol! No seriously I'd do what the others said! Just ignore the phone, maybe invest in an answering machine so you don't miss any important calls x

Where on iom are you? My sis lives in Douglas. Been on holiday a fair few times!
She doesn't know that I do it deliberately, but I do ignore her calls sometimes :oooo: In fact, yes, she does know because she has accused us both of ignoring her. She always calls at the most awkward times, like a PP said, when Leia is in the bath or she's having her tea or I'm putting her to bed. That's the most annoying because she doesn't just ring once, it's 2 or 3 times:wall2:

I understand that she misses Leia, but she tries to make me feel bad. 'Ooooh I miss her so much, I can't wait to see her' and I'm thinking 'Are you coming over??!' Not a chance is she. She's trying to guilt trip me into visiting her. I don't mind doing that at ALL but I really can't afford it atm. It's cheaper to get abroad than it is to get off the island to the UK :roll: She doesn't understand though.

Also, OH never bought them anything for Christmas which again I know is really bad. Our financial situation atm though isn't great and our priority is of course Leia. My family understand and have told us not to worry, although we have bought for the kids. My Mum said as long as she gets a card that is fine. His Mum on the other hand is all 'I can't believe he couldn't even spend a fiver on us!' WTH would a fiver get you??? I dunno, she's just not helping the situation atm ARRRRRRRRRGGGGGHHHHHHH!!!!!

Helen, I'm in Onchan which is pretty much up the road from Douglas :) How old is ya sis, I might know her. This island is THAT small lol.

She's 36 (I think *blush*) x she works in a travel agents in Douglas x

I know what you mean about parents who expect you to make all the effort to see them-my pil live not too far from us but they expect us to go and see them ALL the time even in the bloody snow! It a nightmare with the guilt trips!
of course your not to be honest i know alot of people who dont like speaking to their mothers, in my personal opinion i would tell her how you feel but its your call x

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