MIL Hell

Tiggy - The whole changing the number thing, we've done before, but my DH told his brother our new number and his brother gave it to her :roll: so we were back to square one. Unfortunately, his brother is cut from the same cloth as their mother, so there's no telling him either.

I've got into a happy little routine of taking the phone off the hook when I'm here alone .. the phone rarely rings anyway. If I do have to have the phone on, I'll just delight in slamming it down on her :twisted:
Good for you, I'd never have the guts to do that lol!
Ahhh :hug: I know the feeling, Sending you magic dust, to turn her into a toad! *blows dust* My MIL is abit weird too, also thinks she has done nothing wrong, she usually would call at 8.00 ish so we just let the phone ring then 1471 it! She has not called for a few weeks, but that still doesn't make me any less worried about it. Poor hubbys hey!

I didnt realise that people like her still existed! I thought they died with the dinosaurs!
Talk about mil from hell though - mine can be annoying sometimes but shes a angel compared to yours! :shock:

I agree with the blocking her number and if she does ring tell her to jump on her broom and fly back to the wizard of oz.
Failing that you can be just as rude and obnoxious as she is - play her quig said make snide comments and bitch about her loudly!
And ask her why she keeps phoning - tell her her calls are unwanted and no one likes her anyway!

God i couldnt imagine having her as my kids nan! Id leave the country!

All i can say is good luck - she sounds lke a nightmare
Unfortunately, people like that are still roaming the Earth.

Things have taken a turn though. I have our telephone unplugged most of the time and when I went to make a call on Monday, there were EIGHT messages all made in one day from her :shock: I listened to the first word or so before deleting and the voice got increasingly more whiney as the messages went on. My DH though, didn't even bother to return her call, which was a surprise.

Yesterday however, we had a talk and after a blazing row, it became all too apparent that she's winning her little game. She's driving the wedge further and further between us and now he's saying he wants things so she can call here. He won't let me get her number blocked, he's merely talking about putting in a separate phone line - an extravagance we simply can't afford and something that is entirely un-neccessary, seeing as she should just stop calling when told to.

I asked if he'd told her not to call here again and it turns out he just will not tell her she isn't to call under any circumstances. He told her she can call in an emergency :wall: .. a recent emergency was that she wanted him to drop everything and go to the post office for her before it closed!
He also isn't keen to change telephone numbers, he just wants me to shut up and for her to get her way. It's obvious my feelings don't matter in any of this. He even left for work today without saying goodbye. One minute he was here and the next he had gone without a word.

Sometimes I think I should just leave :cry:
hiya hun, Ive not got any adviceor anything, Just wanted to say bloody nora, she sounds like a right old cow!! Sorry shes making life so difficult for you :x :hug:
Depending on how secure you are in the relationship, maybe giving him an ultimatum is in order - her or you, as it's driving a wedge between you.

I think you need to calmly discuss with your OH how you feel, how he's making you feel with his inactions and how she makes you feel. If he doesn't take it on board, then he will just move closer and closer to her and push you out.

If she rings, answer the phone and once you find out it's her, just say "please don't ring here again" and put the phone down. No waiting for a reply, nothing. Every time. If not that sentence, then "Until you apologise, I will not talk to you." and hang up.

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