OH is SUCH a numpty!

Dragonfly Fi

Well-Known Member
Jan 27, 2010
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earlier on in the bathroom

'so you have to wee on these sticks'

'well, i dont really wee on them, i dunk them'

'oh okay' ... 'so can i dunk it then?'

'yeah okay... i will be doing one in a bit'

'Do it now!!!'


we on cup, hand to OH... Who STUDIOUSLY studies the back of the packet, very carefully takes the thing out and says

'Oh this is litimus paper, you shouldnt dunk it all the way you know... just a little bit'

'well i dunk it to the mark line'

'well then YOUR doing it wrong ARENT you'

'Okay liam, you show me how its done'

Liam dunks stick, has a look at it... definitely got a bit of 'colour' in the line but no where near positive, just a whiff of a line really

then i look at the test... its blue not green

'LIAM, thats a bloody PREGNANCY TEST' (after all his talk of doing things properly)

'Oh, well theres defnitely a line there, if i squint i can see it'

he then proceeded to FIREMANS LIFT me, out of the bathroom, plop me on the bed and did the deed frantically!

he is sooo funny :)

So the question is, if i got a very eversoslight not really there line on pregnancy test, do you think later when i can have a bath and try a OV test again, it will come up a little bit more? I know the hormones are very similar and the tests are very similar so i thought perhaps it might come up later?

Mind you, at least i know i am not pregnant now lol
Erm if you have anything on a PG test I'd be trying another PG test! Basically yes the LH hormone and PG are very similar. It is possible to see a positive OPK when you are PG. However due to the difference in the hormones you DON'T get a positive PG test when you are ovulating. I'd be down the shops getting FR test just to make sure. Of course you could have just had an evap on the PG test but my first hint of my BFP on an IC PG test looked like an evap.
hmmm... it really wasnt there much at all and i dont think there is much chance of me being pregnant... I think we both just wanted to have sex so badly lol!

there was definitely a 'darker' area of the control line though, which i thought might be the other hormone... it was a sensitive test though so who knows!
okay i will try and get a photo of it in a bit x i dunno if it will even come up though really! We probably made it up lol
We love a pictue fi!!!!!! Post one post on post one!!!!!! Hehe x
At least you got to DTD :D

Seriously my first BFP on an IC was just a gray line. My FR I did later in the day was faint BFP but deffo there. Not trying to get your hopes up but I'd be checking with at least another PG IC one. If it's BFN at least you can chalk it up to an evap.

All else failing just get on OH again :D
A opk can detect pregnancy because Lh & hcg are both simular, however You will only get a positive on a hpt stick if your pregnant!! but it WONT pick up lh hormone. If there is a faint line on the hpt is it pink ? Or is it grey ? If its grey then its classed as a evap. Can you get a pic of it, yes we all love hpt pics hehehe. Bet you shit yourself when you seen that line then on the hpt lol!! eeek. Hope it is a real positive how fab would that be. xxx
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Ah its a evap then hunni ( hugs ) never mind though cause your gonna get your bfp opk ( you baby danced) & your gonna get your ( BFP ) on a hpt ( very soon ) Am sure. xxx
I am really sure i am OVing at the moment so i am absolutely 99% definite i am not pregnant! Plus i did pee on a PG at the beginning of the week because i got them and they were new and i felt like it (LOL) and it was definitely whiter than white :)
Sorry its my POAS addiction kicking in. I'd be peeing on anything by now.

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