Oh dear


Well-Known Member
Feb 13, 2010
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I've sent OH to do our weekly shop, with a list! I always do it but I feel too crap at the minute to be traipsing around Tesco! Now what's the betting he comes back with stuff that wasn't on my list and forgets half the stuff that is?! Anyone else trust their OH to do the food shopping?! Have I made a big mistake? Lol
haha bless him! i bet you he come home with the things on your list just the wrong brands and sizes
Actually that's a good point! I bet he does too! Lol! He took DD with him too so no doubt she'll be pestering for stuff not on my list (she knows better than to do this with me!) x
haha i can just imagine Noa and Demba in the shop! :doh: he would come home with all the toys and sweets for Noa instead of any food :doh:
I would of Internet shopped it but then it wouldn't be delivered until tomorrow and I hate paying delivery charges! Lol! I'm a cheap skate!

Isobel84-as long as he comes back with Noa all is well!

Just had a text saying he couldn't get some stuff! I'm going to kill him! Bet it's the noodles for my chicken noodle soup! Grrrrrr!
I would of Internet shopped it but then it wouldn't be delivered until tomorrow and I hate paying delivery charges! Lol! I'm a cheap skate!

Isobel84-as long as he comes back with Noa all is well!

Just had a text saying he couldn't get some stuff! I'm going to kill him! Bet it's the noodles for my chicken noodle soup! Grrrrrr!

Noodles are on offer at the moment I saw today!!
I use rice noodles for my soup and sometimes they have them sometimes they don't! Will find out soon! Better of got cat food the darn animal is driving me mad! Lol
haha it wouldnt suprise me if he left noa behind.

I had a tantrum in tescos last night, i had prepared the cod and everything for my dinner and needed Okra whish was the main ingredient after the fish and there was none!! i couldnt belive it! I got really upset in the shop! I soon get my act together tho cuz oh dont let me get away with it haha "babe sort it out getting pissed of wont bring you the bloody okra will it"
still... improvising.. it was a LUSH dinner.

i got 3 bags of ricenoodles in the fridge not sure what to do with it yet
Well this started off as a light hearted 'doh what will he have forgotten' post and has ended up me in tears locked in the bathroom.

He is so thick I swear! I'm absolutely raving angry. He didn't even bother to try to look for the stuff he claims they didn't have! And the other week we got a tesco curry and it was lush and he kept asking if we could get another one so today I thought I'd be nice and let him have what he wanted so put it on my list and he hasn't bloody bought the fucking thing! So now we have no dinner! He claimed he didn't know what I meant so just didn't bother. I'm so mad. I feel pathetic for crying.

He asked me 'why are you crying' and I yelled at him 'because you're so fucking stupid'! So I'm now considering going to bed except I can't because DD needs feeding. Why am I having a baby with this idiot? (ok a bit harsh maybe but I'm royally pissed off at the moment!)
aww :hugs: well make your girl and you something or order something for just the 2 of you and let him sort out his own dinner :hugs:
oh hon... i know just how u feel...i'm sat here close to tears at the moment too cos am fed up to the back teeth of having to do it all or it goes wrong....big hugs sweetie x x x x
Thanks girls x think I'd go insane without you lot! Aw hugs Karen! Hope you feel better soon chick! x
No way would I trust lee with the food shop. He wouldn't bother lookin around and would just get a loaf of bread, couple of tins of beans, eggs and pizzas. He would come back and say you can make loads with that....
He went back to tesco whilst I was in the bath and actually asked for the stuff he'd forgotten! I calmed down quite a bit whilst in the bath and thought maybe I was the tiniest bit irrational! Didn't admit that to him mind! Lol!
Yeah x lol x poor bloke got the full brunt of my hormones!

Lesson learnt though, no matter how crap I feel I'll do the shopping! Lol
awwww bless at least he tried to sort it out hun. I went to ASDA the other day and just the smell of food is enough to turn my stomach at the moment so I have told the other half I will online shop for a while.
I am bit like you with delivery charges however I do find that I don't but stuff I don't need if I do it online and I save myself time too as it would take at least an hour to walk around ASDA and find the stuff I want and people just get in the bloody way and stress me out lol
Haha my OH can't do the shopping either anyway Helen one day he came back with coke, seafood a loaf of bread and two pizzas, needless to say he went back to ASDAs with me.... Lol

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