Oh dear - top button issues.


Well-Known Member
Jul 14, 2011
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Just thought i would share this little mile stone with you ladies.

Was round at a friends house for drinks and a catch up tonight, and after about half an hour fidgiting on her sofa - I realised my jeans were too tight - had to sit with the top button open for the evening - thank god for scatter cushions. lol

The amount of times I had to do this at work. Was petrified when I stood that my trousers would fall down lol!xx
I stood up from my desk yesterday and exposed my "silly cow" pants to a colleague.
I don't think he noticed. (cringe)
This is where I am clothes-wise. I'm still okay with some of my work trousers, but my jeans are definitely not comfy any more. Trouble is the maternity stuff is all massive! I'm thinking of buying some cheap non-maternity clothes which are in a style that will accommodate a growing belly. So tricky!
The amount of times I had to do this at work. Was petrified when I stood that my trousers would fall down lol!xx
Mine did :whistle: In the middle of the road, getting out of the car. Not down to my ankles though, finally a use for my fat hips!:dance:
I have to do this now too, have done for a few weeks actually.

Tip: Get a hair band, a stretchy one! And loop it over the button and then through the button hole and then back over the button and there you have it! Your trousers look buttoned up and there's lots of room, very comfortable xxx
I took to using an elastic hair band through the button hole and round the button. Still needed longish tops to cover it, but at least the trousers didn't fall down!
My most of my jeans and trousers fit not too badly at the moment. Dunno if I was extra bloated last night, or if it was the way I was sitting. I've had the same pair on to work today. Xxx
I'm still really small (well a bit podgy but no bump) but my bras have been too tight since about 5-6 weeks. Finally went out this morning and bought a maternity bra. I was really worried about it not being underwired but it is so much more comfortable, I dread to think what I have been doing to my poor boobies squashing them into the wired bras that are too small. I also got some much flatter shoes for work, I think the high heels will have to go for the rest of pregnancy they are already hurting my feet which they never used to.
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