oh dear God, what have I done!!!

It looks GORGE!
I'd make sure the area is okay too.

We bought this house (and it's great) but the area is a hell hole :(
its in a cul de sac on the posh end so no wories there, but you have to be careful don't you - we viewed a few a last weekend and they looked marvellous and then you actually got there and they were in vile areas!! It just shows what good camera work can do!!!!
Yeah :(

We visited on a week day and a Sunday but as it was summer no-one was in (all at park etc) making it seem like a nice area.

In 2 years we've lived here the ponds been vandalised 7 times, fish killed, Half the pond (fish, water etc) stolen, brand new lawnmower stolen, dog attacked, greenhouse smashed, me threatened.

Hate it but can't afford to move out as where we used to live has doubled in prices but this area stayed same :wall:

Neighbours are a family of chavs and friends (do drugs, steal etc) and keep us awake screaming and having shouting matches etc They got a Staffie this year too and let it poo in our garden and attack me - it's never on a lead so now my dog want's to kill all staffies :(

Sorry rambling and taking over your thread!

Anyway make sure you don't have any bad neighbours but if in a posh place I doubt you will :)

Oh also make sure all heating works so you don't end up spending winters in duvets!
:shock: poor you!! That sounds horrible, I hate it that a load of idiots that don't know how to behave can ruin your life, and that you can't move it is so unfair :( :hug:
yeah fair play to you it looks fantastic location is good!!!!!! :wink: they have great park there its quite a known one!!! hope you get it keep me posted
ooooh that looks lovely!

One of my friends lives in Kettering and he loves it.

You won't be TOOO far from me either! :dance:
House looks lovely, would get down as soon as poss if offer is accepted have a good look for yourselves
House looks really nice, be careful tho. it looks like its right next to a railway line?

Have a look on this website http://www.upmystreet.com/ Its great for finding out info. on areas.
It is close to railway line but you can't really hear the trains, it was a toss up between that house and one that was 10 grand cheaper but by the a 14 and that is a constant noise!

I know the area well as I lived in Kettering before I moved away at 18 so it will be nice to be home again! I think you may possible be talking about Wicksteed Park Amy!!!! My Nanna and Poppa live next door to the park and it was like a back garden for me and my sister for all our childhood!!

I forgot to say - We had our offer accepted and we have now purchased a house we have never seen :cheer: :cheer: :cheer:
just taking a look at that website Nicki, it looks good!
yay congrats!!! Thomas is going to love it! :cheer:

upmystreet.com is fab, I used that site heaps to research when we moved here! :D

Congrtaulations on your new home!
:hug: thanks!! I have three toilets!! And a seperate shower cubicle, my two main things, what a weirdo I am!!
one for each of you! :wink:

You won't have to share with boys leaving up the seat!
I know!! I just said to him an hour ago that he will be able to poo without the whole house knowing about it!!!!!!!!!
Oooooooooooo so exciting! That looks lovely :cheer: I've not bought a house without seeing it, but I did move in with Ian when I hadn't seen his house - left my house, my job (I was poorly so needed to leave anyhow) and my town, and it worked out just fine! If you've had people you trust check out the house, and I'm sure you trust your dad and sister, then it's a lot different to just relying on the estate agent's spec. It does look like a beautiful house, hope you'll be very happy there! :hug:
:shock: my nan and pap live up the road from the park as well :cheer: i used to go every weekend to the park when i was little too. hope all goes well with the move. maybe we could meet up in the summer at the park!!!!!!!! take care :hug:

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