Offically homeless...scared =/


Well-Known Member
Sep 27, 2008
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Because my mum and dad say I cant stay with them when I have a baby, Im going to get a flat in yeovil were 99% of my close familly live. Ill need all the support I can get I think when I have this baby. Im just so scared because first of I may have to stay in a hostel for 3 months untill a flat is sorted out or a b&b. Iv heard horrible things about then :lol: Has anyone had any experiance of hostels or b&bs?
Not stopped in one, but in a month i think i will be as we have to be out of here!!! If it's to get you somewhere to live then it's a must. I'm dreading it, but i know it means i can settle somewhere with my family.
I think it probobly will be a womens only one. Im still scared though :lol: Iv always had a nice house with my dad or my mum to live in, its gonna be a shock thats for sure.
They do vary and most arnt that nice to be honest, my mil owns one and i have to say anyone who is put there is bloody lucky as it is a good standard and the kids all love it.
Good luck :D
Thanks hun :)
The only plus side is that my nan and my 4 auntys who Im close to all live round the corner, so during the day Ill go stay with my nan or my aunty and wont have to be there very much. Also my nan said shell cook me a meal every night and Ill have showers at my nans so atleast I wont be there much. :lol:
I have not had any experiance like this sorry but i do have a friend who had she stayed for a few weeks and even though she had to share and it was small it wasnt as bad as she thought
i hope the place you stay is ok :hug: :hug: :hug:
my sister stayed in one for a month or so until she was rehoused and she said it was ook and she made some good mates there she still sees.good luck hun :hug:
Awww i bet it will be ok and its gonna turn out fine in the long run.

PS How do you know LO will be a Jasmine, it might be a boy! :wink:
heya i stayed in a b n b for a little bit, around a month some arent too bad, but your always giong to get one little monster who makes it horrible for everyone ! pm me for details nursing at the keyboard so il reply when shes finished lol xxx
|LOL maybe i did it wrong then ...... :rotfl: I was just thinking how nice the name jasmine is! :dance:
I don't know babe but I'll be in the same boat come February!! My Mum & Dad are downsizing and I have to go :( xx

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