Off to hospital in the morning

Oh simone im so sorry youve had such a tough ride, glad its over for you now and things will be a little easier when out of limbo, its taken so long for you xx Take a day at a time, sounds like a puppys a great idea for you all.

If I don't get a puppy for my birthday now, Im gonna be seriously pissed

Tapatalking excuse any typos!
Mummy of two, Angel mummy of two now :'(

I think if nobody else gets you a puppy - all the girls on here would!

Sounds awful what you have been through.x
Aw definitely get a puppy- I got one last summer and he's the most amazing little stress reliever! I get all my maternal instincts out on him and never feel I need something to care for like I used to.

Thinking of you. Hope it's all over for you now you did pass the sac :(
With all the time off oh has had lately Im gonna have to wait for my puppy. But I guess that's ok. Why is it the smaller the dog, the more expensive it is???

I've had no more dramatics so Im hoping its finally over now xx

Tapatalking excuse any typos!
Mummy of two, Angel mummy of two now :'(
With all the time off oh has had lately Im gonna have to wait for my puppy. But I guess that's ok. Why is it the smaller the dog, the more expensive it is???

I've had no more dramatics so Im hoping its finally over now xx

Tapatalking excuse any typos!
Mummy of two, Angel mummy of two now :'(
It's nuts that the wee dogs cost so much. I I'm paying that amount I want more dog for my money xx
Ha ha that's my theory! Obviously cause kiwi is a lurcher, we gotta go super big to get bigger than her so inant something like spaniel sized. Cocker spaniels are Adoreable xx

Tapatalking excuse any typos!
Mummy of two, Angel mummy of two now :'(
Katie has a lab I like them but he is daft, runs away. I'm lucky my gardens sealed off so Dexter can't make a run for it. What do you have? Cats and dogs? Xx
Katie has a lab I like them but he is daft, runs away. I'm lucky my gardens sealed off so Dexter can't make a run for it. What do you have? Cats and dogs? Xx

5 cats and a lurcher doggy called kiwi. I'm now seriously considering chickens or ducks. We had two old collies but bonnie died in December/January I think and Murphy died a few weeks ago. I swear kiwi is lonely. Makes me sad xx

Tapatalking excuse any typos!
Mummy of two, Angel mummy of two now :'(
Craig had chickens, still has quails. I said no to chickens. But my house has enough reptiles so I don't want anything else. Xx
Have u thought of the dogs trust or dog recue centre they often have puppies :) yer I find the smaller the breed the more expensive Mitzy was 400 quid :-/ I wouldn't breed her for for the money cos I would struggle taking her babies away from her lol and I would never forgive myself if anything happened to her during pregnancy and birth ***shudders at thought**** , how u feeling today Simone ? Xx
Been to dogs trust and sspca. All want kids over a certain age unfortunately.

I'm ok today I guess. I'm just exhausted. I've absolutely no idea why. I slept from 12.30-8.30 then went back to bed at 9.30-12ish and I could sleep again xx

Tapatalking excuse any typos!
Mummy of two, Angel mummy of two now :'(
what about pet sales groups on facebook? i got a cavalier king charles spaniel off one local to me for 100 quid :)
So I lost another bit of tissue yesterday (quite big but not as big as previous bits) and my bleeding started to let up. Today Ive woken up to light pink creamy cm. Is it normal to happen that fast?xx

Tapatalking excuse any typos!
Mummy of two, Angel mummy of two now :'(
For what to happen that fast ? Bleeding easing ? If so yes once all is gone then not much left to come away just like a light af I think I've never had a natural but I've read that after the worse then it's light for a few days like af , chicken eggs are so nice fresh I buy them off a mate who has chickens quid for 6 lol but they are so much nicer thn shop bought x
after I passed everything with my 7 week mc the bleeding went really light and stopped after 2 days so yes it can just stop. Are you taking iron and b12 supplements? you are probably tired because you are anaemic after the blood loss :( it takes about 3 weeks for your body to create 1 pint of blood.
I'm not taking anything at all. I'm just letting my body do its thing.
I'm back to liners today instead of pads. I can't believe how quickly its happened. I lost something else yesterday in the shower and I think that must've been the last. Really weird.
I'm not complaining, Ive had enough bleeding to last me a whole while xx

Tapatalking excuse any typos!
Mummy of two, Angel mummy of two now :'(
Hey Simone - just catching up, you poor love you've been through a horrid time x

Just wanted you to know that your description of what you passed sounds very similar to what I took to the hospital, and that happened when bleeding had almost stopped. I'm still awaiting results from histology.
Just replying here along the puppy dog enquiries.... Have a look at the Many Tears rescue or a specific breed rescue run through the kennel club (as a coordinator I can say that age of children rarely comes into account for these rescues :) )

Tanya by Tapatalk

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