October 2017 Mummies!

Ohhh exciting Heather!! It does seem ages away but it will come round fast! I found out on Thursday and it still doesn't feel real yet.
Wow I wish our system worked like that I'll have to see gp then wait for the midwife team to contact me to arrange an appointment then wait for the scan date to come thro the post! How exciting you can start counting down the days now eeekk! Xx
Hi all how's everyone feeling ? had appointment with my doctors yesterday she gave me my green notes and said midwife will send me a letter for appointment and fill my green notes out she said they see me between 8 -10 weeks x
Also think I have water infection �� Mild pain in my kidneys so need to book another appointment
Afternoon everyone! I've not even told my gp yet because of this scare. I've been the EPU today and they said as I know date of conception I'm 4-5 weeks. They sent me away to do a digi and then I rang to book a scan. My digi is showing 2-3 which I didn't expect as I'd just had a wee an hour before I done it so I'm glad about that. They have booked me in for next Friday for a scan to see what's happening. Praying for good news :) xx

Hi Charlie that's great news just take it easy now x I'm sure everything will be fine I know it hard to worry I'm that same �� I can't wait to have a scan seems ages away x
I've got my scan tomorrow, I'm so nervous! I'm preparing for the worse, I've had some right sided twinges and every time they come I just can't help but feel it's all in the wrong place - and my stupid body doesn't pick up on it and just carries on being pregnant!
I will update tomorrow....x
Lea best of luck what times your scan? I have my six wk scan at 10am, I'm praying it all goes ok x
Good luck girls with your scans today X

Been looking at prices for a private scan as well. Didn t really had reasons, just I am too impatient to wait until 12 weeks. I am always thinking at the worst
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I had my scan this morning and all appears fine - I'm so relieved....there is a sac with a baby and a little flickering heartbeat - and it's all in the right place!!

Now just have to wait until 12 weeks as they don't need to see me again.

Now we just need an update from lynne xxx
Great news Lea bet that's a huge relief for you xx

Thanks Hun, it was! They remembered me from a few months ago, so she made sure I couldn't see the screen, and she told me as soon as she saw something... x
Great news ,Leah ! You must enjoy your pregnancy now and stop worrying xx
Ahh fantastic news :)

I'm still resting because of the bleeding. Still getting strong tests and no pain. Trying my best to be positive as I'm only bleeding when I go the loo. Feel so drained today though, like I've had the life sucked out of me. Don't remember being this tired with my little boy. Xx

Thanks everyone, I will try and relax now...well apart from work, I do a fairly stressful job so will have to see how long I can hold out.

Charlie, I'm glad it's not constant bleeding, surely that's a good thing? Just make sure you keep resting as much as poss
Hi everyone! My due date at the minute is 10th October according to the doctors. I am SOOOO excited!! Every day is going so slow at the moment :( I have been worried as experiencing quite bad cramps during the day and night. Night is worse. Went to see the doc and they said they are happy with me and it is normal as I am sensitive with ovulation pains in the past. I felt rubbish earlier on this week but now feel better, which is making me paranoid that I am losing my symptoms! Still have pain today but no bleeding, fingers crossed!
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Hi everyone! My due date at the minute is 10th October according to the doctors. I am SOOOO excited!! Every day is going so slow at the moment :( I have been worried as experiencing quite bad cramps during the day and night. Night is worse. Went to see the doc and they said they are happy with me and it is normal as I am sensitive with ovulation pains in the past. I felt rubbish earlier on this week but now feel better, which is making me paranoid that I am losing my symptoms! Still have pain today but no bleeding, fingers crossed!

We have the same due date!!!!!! Eeeek! How exciting!

I'm also getting pains :wall2: Although I had NO Pains yesterday and none until 1pm today...I was a bit worried yesterday as having no pains was a shock! But I'm sooooooo tired :nap::nap::nap::nap:
I'm tired to I find it worse on the days I work I want to go to bed the same time as my toddler lol! My boobs are getting tender too :-(.
Hope everyone is well xxx

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