It wouldn't be your fault loads of people have it! I have been eating sugar like its going out of fashion and don't fit in any of my clothes thighs and everything not just bump!
What did the nurse day, don't beat urself up hun.
We have been Haven holiday away for the weekend, local attractions, local beach, had his friends round with the pool out. Finding it hard now though as when it gets to about 3pm every day I'm knackered and let him have his iPad for an hour something I had banned but feel bad because he was bored. Its all I go on about in work is how bad screen time is for kids and theres me giving it to my own son. His behaviour changes so much after an hour on it so i am limiting it xx
They didnt really say anything, gave me my monitor told me when to test and that was pretty much it :/ Seeing the consultant about it tomorrow so hopefully they will tell me more. Awk I wouldnt worry there are kids on them constantly so every now and then is fine! Sounds hectic enough but lovely all the same
Im all about my naps at the minute haha!
Im so confused today. I had antenatal on 10th August, they gave me a scan and checked baby, measurements all fine, then today I had another scan from fetal medicine to check on babies kidney and the measurements are now all huge and off their wee scale thing they use. Baby was estimated weight on 10th as 1637g (3 lb 6z) now its 2366 (5lb 3oz) !! in 12 days?!?! She never even mentioned it to me today just noticed it when I read my notes. Is it just different doctors, different technique or something?
The babies right kidney seems to have a partial block so although does not affect birth, baby needs a course of antibiotics when born and they'll scan kidneys again and take it from there. Ive had trouble today getting a hold of more of the test strips to check my blood sugars, had to ring different departments to try and get a letter as my GP refuses to issue me them. wouldnt accept a phonecall from midwife! The diabetic nurse is fuming, wants to make a formal complaint. Hoping to be able to pick it up now, been trying to get them from friday! Im fed up everything being a battle. I wish i had a mw or something I could just sit and chat to about whats happening and explain things.