Oblique lie


Well-Known Member
Sep 5, 2010
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Just had my 33 week midwife appointment and baby is in an oblique lie position which basically means she is diagonal. Her bum is on the right under my ribs and her head is near my left hip.
Midwife said she has 4 weeks to turn so
I have everything crossed that she does.
Does anyone else have experience of this?
Yeah this is how my baby is laying. She's been like it since at least 26 weeks when I had a 4d scan. She did turn breech, but still at the same angle.

When I had MW last week she said baby is head down, her head is still at my right hip, bum is under left ribs. MW didn't seem worried about this. She said with first babies they expect them to engage between 36-38 weeks, but not all do, some won't until labour, but with second babies is more common for them to stay where they are and just turn and come during labour :shock:
Sausage was transverse for a few weeks; bouncing on exercise ball, swimming and walkies helped put that right :)

4 weeks is loads of time!
if the baby's head is down why does it need to turn? lol

Well she needs to straighten up and drop down!

Does it mean you cant have normal birth if baby doesnt straighten?
My two dds were both back to back and didnt engage you dont need to drop or engage to go into labour.

well I guess if she decided to stay in her current position and try and come out shoulder first (as is the angle she is currently at) then I wouldn't be able to birth her lol

I know you don't need to drop or engage (same thing?) to go into labour, but the baby does need to drop into the birth canal in order to be birthed!

I laboured my son while he was back to back and he came down fine, just got stuck at the last hurdle and had to be pulled back up the other way!
thanks for the replies ladies.

My first two pregnancies and labours were text book so this little madam has thrown me a bit by being awkward and lying the wrong way. Ive just been and bought a ball so going to try bouncing everyday to see if i can jiggle her about. I knew she wasnt head down yet as i get kicked loads on the right side but at least i can try and get her moving now and hopefully she will be in head down position within the next 4 weeks

will its good she is head down at least?maybe she will straighten up in next few weeks x
My Lo is the opposite position, his head is under my right rib and bum is next to right hip.
although they didnt say this was digagonal just straight :s weird lol

But im jhaving an elective next wed anyways :) x
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Midwife just said to me that shes in the wrong position for birth and she needs to be straight otherwise her head wont engage etc plus theres a chance of having a cord prolapse. x
Midwife just said to me that shes in the wrong position for birth and she needs to be straight otherwise her head wont engage etc plus theres a chance of having a cord prolapse. x

I wouldn't worry about the head not engageing bit, it doesnt mean anything. i went into labour myself with both dds and their heads wernt engaged.
the baby would be in the right position if baby is head down but not straight.
when would they worry if she wasnt straight?

My baby seems digonal the same as you only head up but they said its not diganal dont half confuse you lol x
Think what she meant was that she couldn't be born diagonally lol she needs to be straight down. Joys of pregnancy eh? I'm confusing myself thinking about it lol x
my baby is oblique exact position as yours,hoping she straightens up too as you wouldnt be able to give birth naturally their is a risk of cord prolapse also just read your baby will move to one of the other positions transverse,cephallic or breech for labour so hoping mine is ceph xx
my baby is oblique exact position as yours,hoping she straightens up too as you wouldnt be able to give birth naturally their is a risk of cord prolapse also just read your baby will move to one of the other positions transverse,cephallic or breech for labour so hoping mine is ceph xx

Fingers crossed that our little ones move. She was breach at my last scan so she has moved since then but not enough yet x
the right position for labour is cephallic 'head down', does not have to be engaged but does need to be head down ,oblique is not head down baby is situated at an angle therefore will move either head down or transeverse or breech!
There is a really good web site called spinning babies. It gives advice on things you can do at home to help baby move into a good position. Not sure if it works or not but is probably worth a look! x
hi girls just a little update!!my baby has moved from oblique to cephallic now so happy :)
just hope she stays this way !!
brilliant news, my little madam is still in the same position at the moment x

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