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Obleak baby position.


Well-Known Member
May 24, 2010
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I had a scan today and shes measuring 6lb and her measurements are fine.

But shes laying obleakly, has been for a few weeks now, maybe a month or so.
They are sending me for another scan mid next week and if shes still in that position I have to be admitted to hospital and stay there until I have her :(
How boring!
But they said its really dangerous her being in this position as when I could give birth the cord and stuff could come out before the baby so may end up in a ceserian.

Tbh I dont think she would have moved by next week at all, but fingers crossed she has.
although iv sent my birth pool back as even if she has I dont feel keen on having her at home anymore as id feel safer in hospital incase anything went wrong.
If she hasnt moved its its a boring few weeks in hospital till she arrives!

what I dont get is, if they see shes in this position still next week, why they dont bring me in and induce me at just over 38 weeks, seems to make more sence than me taking up a bed for maybe 2-3 weeks until she arrives and then atleast theyll have people on standy incase anything major does go wrong!?

jw if anyone else has had this and what happened??
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I've never even heard of it but I hope she moves. And if not, at least your in hospital where they can keep an eye on things. Not the ending you had planned I'm sure though.
No has really got to me that I will be in hospital, will miss my son sooo much :(
But I guess if thats what they have to do to keep poppy safe then i have to do it, just sucks.
shes already bloody madam! lol
& same iv never even heard of it before today lol
I really hope so hun, I think after a week in hospital id need to be in a straight jacket in a padded cell :lol:
but shes been in this wierd position for weeks now and I just have a huge gut feeling well go there and she hasnt moved, but well see :)
found this

Your baby is oblique if her body is situated at an angle. Her head will be more against one side of your pelvis and her shoulder will be towards the birth canal.
Babies in an oblique lie will turn to one of the other positions for delivery.

like they say they will have to moniter that her cord doesnt get trapped in the mean time

2nd babies also tend to engage late even though this was not the case with any of mine but i dont give my babies any room for some reason so i think they are forced into getting engaged lol
yeah her head is at an angle in my pelvis or wherveer it is, the women said also cus its not so commen there not as used to it as breech etc thats y they dnt like it as much if u no i mean as there more used to breech babies ro no what to do.
Can'tt hey try and manipulate her to move like they do with babies that are breech?
Fingers crossed she moves so you don't have to stay in hospital, tbh if they were that worried I would have thought they would have booked you in for a c-section
I asked that and she said no they have to see if she moves by next week but they wont try nd move her.
and yeah i wouldnt want a c sec tho, would rather try a natural delivery n have c sec right at last minute if needed it.
but they said if i think im labour from now till nxt scan i have to get ambulance to hospital x
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but they said if i think im labour from now till nxt scan i have to get ambulance to hospital x

Not wanting to scare you but this is because you would only need to be 2cm dilated for the cord to slip out (cord obviously being a lot smaller than baby's head!)and potentially start giving you/baby problems. (medically: Cord Prolapse) Sorry, didn't mean to sound full of it, did they explain all this to you?

Hope she does move round for you!
Maybe some of the 'on all fours' stuff they suggest for moving breech babies would be good?

Good luck :)

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Nooo dont worry about thinking your scaring me hun, id rather no what it means as Im still not quite sure what it means tbh.
as she told me all this in the corridor as there were no rooms free to have a chat in.

I hope she does too hun, but for the past 2 weeks iv been bouncing and walking and everything but shes still like it. I will keep trying though but I dont hold out much hope tbh.
as she told me all this in the corridor as there were no rooms free to have a chat in.

That's appalling! That's against your Human Right to Privacy surely? -Rant over.

Again, best of luck and big hugs :)

thanks hun :)
does anyone know how you go about washing clothes if you have to stay in hospital for a few weeks? x
thanks hun :)
does anyone know how you go about washing clothes if you have to stay in hospital for a few weeks? x

U have to get a relative to take them home and wash them for u xx
There was a girl on here at the same time I had my baby and her baby was oblique. She opted for a planned c-section as her baby didnt move. Other than that I dont know much else about it. Hope she turns for you though :)
Oh okay thank you hun :)
might post a post in the mums section, see if anyone has had this.
Just got told by the midwife
''''if your waters go before your scan next week, go on all 4's and stick your bum in the air until the ambulance get there''
I SO need someone to record that, that would be halerious, can just imagine me crawling to the door, bum in the air trying to open the door like that to the ambulance people :lol:
would it not be easier to induce you now?? youd have thought it would make more sense but then i dont have any experiance of this. i hope you ok hun and not too stressed xx
They wouldn't induce me now hun as Im not 37 weeks yet, but i do think if they take me in next week (ill be 37+4 on thursday) they should induce me around 38/39 weeks cus its pointless me jst sat there taking up a bed lol
also does anyone know when planned ceserians normally get booked for? if there for around 39 weeks or so? x

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