O/T buying a 2nd hand car - anyone' in the London area know a mechanic?


Well-Known Member
Nov 16, 2009
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Hi there,

Sorry this is off topic but am stressing a bit about it.

DH and I are going to view a second hand car this evening and need to make sure that it won't end up dying on us after a few weeks or being dangerous for bubs.

Problem is that we're only spending around £1,000 on the car so I know there will be less guarantees. I know to look at all the paperwork and listen out for funny noises etc... but would ideally like to pay a mechanic £50 or something to come and check it over quickly for me but I don't know anyone who'd be able to do it. If I went to the AA they'd charge £150 which seems a lot for checking such a cheap car.

Has anyone got any advice regarding buying a used car or does anyone know a mechanic in the London area who might be able to pop along and give the car a once over for us?

I know it's a long shot but thought I'd ask just in case.
Id say my OH would as hes a mechanic but we arent going that way till tomorrow night, sorry. I hope you find one though! Just check for leaks in the engine bay. Id advise more but i only know what to look for when im looking at the car IYKWIM x
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Sounds like a great idea getting the car checked out. I dont know anyone, but can recommend Danson Garage, near Blendon, I dont know if they would or how much they would charge. Might be worth a call though.
I normally always take my cars to a great garage in SE London but they don't have that service there unfortunately.
Id say my OH would as hes a mechanic but we arent going that way till tomorrow night, sorry. I hope you find one though! Just check for leaks in the engine bay. Id advise more but i only know what to look for when im looking at the car IYKWIM x

Thanks anyway hon - Does he have any mechanic friends who might be available?
Thanks hon. Aren't you due today? Thanks for taking the time out when you clearly have a lot of your own stuff going on. x
Yea i am but no signs yet. Hope the car viewing goes well. Just remember dont buy just because you feel you have to remember there are plenty of cars for sale :) x
Thanks hon - we didn't buy it in the end but that was because the guy went and sold it before we got a chance to see it!!

Am looking at some tomorrow and Sat though so fingers crossed. x
im a mobile mechanic, where about are you looking for cars???

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