:o oh no....

laura dec 1988

Well-Known Member
Dec 28, 2009
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Hey girls,

well just come back from my midwife app and im measuring 4cm bigger than i should be :shock: going bk in 3 weeks for my next app and if i go to 5cm over she gunna send me for a growth scan??

Anyone else had this and how did it turn out?? im a bit worried lol

Big baba :lol:

I was always measuring a week ahead last time but lil miss wasn't overly big :)
Last little girl was 5lb 10 but that was 5 weeks early so she probably would have been big. On her due date she weighed nearly 10 lb :shock:
oh god lol :D If i measure really big and the baby is showing big at the growth scan do u think they will induce me??

With my youngest I was measuring 3cm bigger than I shouldve been but they were never concerned, he was born 4 weeks early at 6lb 11oz! So wouldve been a biggy, I wouldn't worry too much, if your midwife isn't too concerned at your next appointment then you'll be fine, it might just excess fluid babe x
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Thanks hun :D im just worried with it been my first and if i go full term and she massive:eek:
but yeah we'll soon see

I measured ahead with my last two and I was sent for a scan with this one on monday. The measurements are only a VERY rough guess and the scan isnt much better. I measured well over 7lb last wednesday and the scan put me at 6lb 9oz on monday. Your body wont produce a baby you cant part with hun :)
Oh and my 8lb 11 baby was waayyy easier to birth than the 7lb11 one so big doesnt mean harder.
My mum said the same mervs mum, big babys are easier to push out coz they have a big of weight behind em :)

ill be fine i just really dont know what to expect 4cm just seems way too much lol.

Sorry - being a bit blonde here - how do they know the baby's measurements? I've only had one midwife appointment but was just questions etc. Had the 12 week scan too and they gave me the baby's crown to rump measurement then. Can the midwife tell the size of baby without scan? Am confused!

Have a hospital appointment on Monday due to low BMI so perhaps they'll give me some sort of measurement? It's not for a scan though, just a check-up as far as I am aware.

Sorry if this is a silly question!
its not at all hun. Its not the actual baby measurments, the mw measures the size of your bump.. but it could be bigger depending on how bubs is laid. Im measuring bigger than i should be by 4cm, but it may be excess fluid or possibly a big baby lol. If i go to 5cm, thats when ill be referred for a growth scan and they will try look at the size of the baby then. but at mervs mum said its all rough ideas and sizes.

hope ur well

Oh right I see!

Do you know what the normal bump size is for 16 weeks? How do they measure it?

Haven't got much of a bump which is worrying me a little :(
dont worry hun, is this your first?? They measure it by cm's hun, the cm's go on the weeks i think. (ladies feel free to correct me if im wrong)

No wonder you've been wandering around resting your bump on random worktops Laura :lol:
haha i know lol.its so bloody heavy, im not even in 3rd trimester yet :eek:

Yes they measure in cm and they measure from your pubic bone to the top of the uterus. How early do they start doing this, I can't remember!
ok thanks, guess I'll see what happens on Monday... it is my first which is why I'm worrying about everything!!
my midwife doesn't measure until my next appointment, I'll be 25 weeks by then!

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