Measuring big?


Well-Known Member
Mar 10, 2008
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Hey guys

had my midwife app yesterday and she said I was measuring big? I was 30??

anyone else the same, and do you think it means big baby ! Im terrified of having a big baby !
Im measuring 6 weeks bigger, baby is big as scan shows but i wouldnt worry :)
Fundal height is notoriously inaccurate and depends on baby's position in the womb! I measured over for a few appointments and then baby turned head down and I measured more average! It's really only worth worrying about if you measure significantly over for a few appointments in a row.
i was measuring big all along and i was the only one who wasnt worried as i didnt feel any bigger than my others and on Friday i now measure exact for my dates so dont worry :wink:
Nah dont worry hun, I had a week where I measured ahead, and then caught up with myself :hug:
Well Im no longer convinced by the way they measure the fundal height either........having been told I was 5 weeks too small, my scan yesterday revealed Im actually 3 days bigger than I should be - so a slight discrepency there, and obviously the scan is much more accurate than a MW measuring with a tape measure!

Even with the way they measure, I have read that 2cms bigger or smaller is no concern at all.

There seems to be a lot of ladies who were apparently measuring big, that went on to have normal sized babies.

I wouldnt worry at all.......... :hug:
I measured anything from 2 - 5 weeks ahead during all my pregnancy. I was sent for a growth scan at 37 weeks to check exactly how big the baby was and was told then that she was 7lb 1oz and to expect a 8 to 8.5lb baby if I went full term

She was born at 39+4 and weighed only 6lb 10.5oz!!!!!

goodness knows how she lost weight in the two weeks up to when she was born....just shows how inaccurate all those measurements and even the scans can be!
Im measuring 2cms small but Im not worrying, seeing the MW again on the 15th so shall see then
I really wouldnt worry hun they allow you 3cm either way, and as i have said loads of times before i think its a load of twod anyway, my last mdwife appointment she didnt even measure me but wrote down 42cm anyway :eek:
I wouldn't worry about it.. this measuring business is so inaccurate.
I had a growth scan last week at 37+4 and measured big (est. weight 7lb 13oz). They are sending me for a glucose tolerance test next week and another growth scan. They said that normal babies put on 1/2 a pound a week from this point onwards. I've cut down on sugar since last week incase I do have gestational diabetes. Other than that there's nothing much else I can do.

I posted in "ask a mum" and lots of folks said that your body copes with a big baby in one way or another and apparently labour can be quicker. We'll see - too late to turn back now.

I've decided to try not to think about the birth now, but get excited at having the baby...

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